"Aquaries where the hell where you?!" Scorpio yelled as I walked in, he was already in his shorts and jersey. "Sorry I was busy..." I mumbled. He's been really nippy lately, every since that party he's always bitting at people's heels and it's getting really annoying. "Whatever let's just go." He growled and walked out tossing his football around. I rolled my eyes and forced myself to put up with him.

Taurus POV

I grinned. "I see what you did their sly fox." I said to Pieces as Sagittarius walked out. "What are you talking about?" She said smiling back. "You stirring up the pot like that? Libra is going to be heartbroken when she finds out." I laughed, this was revenge for what she did. "But how and when should we tell her?" She tapped her chin and looked around the room for inspiration. "We should just sit back and watch the show." Pieces put her hand out for a high five and I leaned forward and smacked it. This was going to be perfect, you may think I'm evil and a horrible and I assure you I'm not. Pieces has a weird personality where she gets jealous quick, so she's basically a burning ball of jealousy and if you,poke her you'll get burned. That's why people who know her do one of three things...

1- roast marshmallows and try not getting to hot (basically this is when people are just overly nice)

2- run away from the fire (avoid her at all costs)

3- or (like me) pour gas into the fire and just watch from a distance (I encourage her plans cause heck! Who wouldn't want to see the ending?)

"I almost feel bad." Pieces said looking at me, "Really?"

"Nah" I laughed and turned on the Tv.

Gemini POV

"ARIES!" I screamed for the hundredth time, he had me pinned down and was tickling me, I was laughing so hard I almost started to cry. "Ahhhh!" I groaned and managed to escape from under him . I tried to escape out of his room but he jumped in front of me and pushed me, I fell onto his bed losing my breath in the process. He raised his hands and wiggled them and started walking towards me "TRUCE!!!" I screamed And tried shielding myself with my hands. "Haha I win." He smiled wagging his eyebrows. I grappled his shirt and pulled him forward so our lips collided, my stomach did a summersault and my whole body heated up. I grabbed a pillow, with my other hand. He pulled away smiling and I smacked him with it. He stumbled backwards and feel. "Hey! You cheater!" I opened my mouth to protest but somebody walked in. "Hey Aries, wanna hang out?" It was Sagittarius and Leo. My smile faded a little, I wanted him to stay but I didn't say anything. "Maybe later guys." He laughed picking himself up. "Why were you guys busy?" Leo raised his eyebrow. "No!" I yelled blushing a little. "Uuuuhhhh Aries harder!!! OHHHH yahhhhh uhh uh uh uh!" Leo moaned/screamed Aries laughed. My whole body felt like a fireplace and I looked down trying to avoid eye contact. "Well if you decide to come over later we're going to order pizza and play 2K" Sagittarius said. Aries looked at my with begging puppy eyes. I rolled my eyes and nodded. "YEET LEZ GO GUYS!" Aries yelled, "WOOO!" Leo yelled slapping Aries head. Sagittarius laughed and closed the door. I looked around frowning, he just ditched me. Wow. I shook the angry thought out of my head. I wriggled under his covers and closed my eyes.

Capriocorn POV

I followed Cancer into her room, almost drooling. She was wearing red lace underwear and bra and It was amazing. "Are you ready?" She whispered into my ear. I nodded and she gracefully slid onto the bed, she grabbed my arm and pulled me towards her.

I felt a sharp kick in my back. "Huh?" I groaned and lifted my head up groggily. Cancer was snuggled up next to me softly snoring. I rubbed my eyes and smiled, she looked so cute when she was sleeping. I wrapped my arms around her waist and kissed her cheek softly. I felt her stomach slowly rising and falling against my arms. I narrowed my eyebrows, hey she's the reason I started lusting so she's the blame right? I wanted to ask her out but I knew she wasn't ready to have a relationship yet. So her evil little self just lets me have a small taste of being her boyfriend so I'm always craving it. I still admired her confidence, I'll win her heart eventually. Out of the corner of my eye I saw her smile. God she's so adorable. I could just stare at her all day... Wait that's kind of creepy. She lifted her head and looked at me smiling. "Morning beautiful." I said. I used to literally live in a cocoon of homework, I just managed the courage to start flirting with her but only when we're alone. "Mmmmm." She moaned and I laughed a little. She kissed my forehead. "Your cute." She said and stretched her arms out. "When are you going to let me date you?" I asked frowning a little. "Cause I know you secretly like the chase." I nodded, well she had a point there, I did like chasing after things and working hard to get them. "Cancer."

"Yes?" She said batting her eyelashes. I grazed my thumb across her lips softly. "Will you be my girlfriend?"


"BEEP BEEP BEEP." I rose my head as my alarm woke me. I grabbed my phone and texted Cancer.

Hey you wanna hang out?


Okay I'll be over in a sec

I rose out of bed and walked out of my room. My head spun for a second so I rubbed my eyes. I heard snoring coming from Aries room. I pushed the door open a little and saw Gemini wrapped in Aries covers sleeping. I closed the door softly and went into the bathroom to take a shower.

YEEET OKAY YES I am currently working on the next chapter so I think it will be a quick update. And please comment and vote for meh

LEAFY FOR PRESIDENT 2017 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸 God bless America 

Thanks for all the feedback and love! I love y'all to 😊😍 

Leafy out 🍁😘

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