Joker's Condition

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Jeff Moreau was sat in the chair with what looked like Shepard's private alcohol collection. Garrus was bemused that Jeff even knew where their Commander hid the best liquor and how he managed to retrieve it without anyone noticing. Or maybe they did, and let him be. Whichever it was, Garrus felt kinship towards the human before him. Humans, he had learned, were very resilient and showed him the best of the galaxy.

"Joker." Garrus started and standing right behind him. Words were hard when he knew they had barely shared two words since the memorial, mainly due to Garrus avoiding the pilot. The argument they had got into had been full of anger and even though Garrus didn't believe a word Joker had spat at him, he knew that the pilot needed time to sort though the feelings.

"Vakarian." Joker used the same tone he had and looked up, "what do I owe this pleasure?" his voice reminded Garrus that this was far from easy, for either of them. And for all it was worth, Garrus' hope was more then what Joker had. He glanced towards the empty chair, how devastated Joker was when the wave hit and they lost...well, everything.

"Checking on you mainly, making sure you don't drink all the best whiskey." Garrus said slowly and noted the sorrow behind his friend's eyes, "and to get your ass back to work." Garrus added with a smirk. It was forced but it had the desired effect, a snort and a chuckle from Joker.

"Oh? Gonna poke me with that stick up your ass?" Joker replied and turned to face the screens. Garrus smiled more and shook his head lightly, an ongoing joke it seemed after all.

"I lost that stick, but don't worry, I am sure I can find a reasonable replacement." Garrus replied and leaned against a broken console. Looking at the man before him intently, for some sign that this was the start of mending their friendship.

"Look, Garrus..." Jeff turned to the turian and stopped, the smile was genuine now and he tilted his head slightly as Joker felt the words die in his throat.

"Care to share, something that won't kill me perhaps?" Garrus interrupted and picked another glass up, Joker obliged and fell silent as the turian looked around the cockpit. "Besides, I wouldn't want to break our pilot by poking him." the comments made Jeff relax and Garrus knew this, the banter was their way of reconnecting.

"Go calibrate something." Joker replied with a huff and focused on downing his drink, the laugh he heard made him glance back up. Garrus was highly amused by that remark, namely due to the talking that happened during the party. With Liara's embrace eternity and Garrus' Calibrations, the whole crew had laughed about it. Even more so when Shepard said that if he tried calibrating her, she'd throw him out the airlock. Happy memories that were tinged with sadness.

"I'd rather drink with my friend, if he'll let me?" Garrus asked and chuckled more as Joker refilled their glasses, taking that as a yes to carry on. This was going to be another different kind of experience. He had done many human customs in the past and this seemed the most emotion filled thing he had ever taken on. After all, Shepard had taught him that humans were very emotional beings and one could hide pain almost as well as Turian if given the chance.

Shepard wasn't sleeping. Garrus noted that first as he boarded the Normandy again, she was paler and looked exhausted, yet she had not said anything during their time on thr ground. There she had been just like before, strong and ready to charge head first into an impossible battle. Garrus watched as she spoke to Vega and Liara before turning to him, their eyes met and he felt the frisson of fear run through him. It had been months since they spoke to each other, he had sent many messages to her and not got a single reply. He knew that the Alliance was probably restricting her inbox but surely they had let her see how much he missed her? Or the fact that he needed her. She looked away first and that only spread the fear within him.

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