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Shepard had accepted the fact she was fragile, even more so since the Normandy returned, but that didn't stop her noticing Garrus's reactions. Subvocals were not something she could pick up normally, but she had noticed the way he seemed to stiffen when she wasn't looking. What was going through his head was any guess, but it didn't calm her. She was currently stood in her kitchen, one that Garrus seemed to enjoy more often now they were both officially retired. 

"Hey Vakarian!" she shouted out and finished plating up their meals. She heard a bang and then a swear, laughing to herself she slipped into a seat and saw him walk in. Seeing him every day was pushing the nightmares and fears and even the PTSD away. Being near him was relaxing and overall better for her health. Even her doctors had said they were surprised at how well she was doing. 

"How are you feeling today Shepard?" He asked before sitting, for the tenth time today it seemed. What was worse was that he refused to stay in the same bed as her, she needed space to heal he told her and being near him might not help. She merely smiled at him and shrugged, motioned to the food and began eating. Silence stretched and Shepard was wondering how they had gone from closer then bond mates to almost strangers.

"You ever going to tell me whats wrong?" Shepard asked finally, looking at him with a smile. She watched as he coughed and trilled nervously. She had struck a nerve after all. 

"N-nothing is wrong." He replied finally, terrified of some unspoken thing, and it made her wonder more. Was it her fault? Was she missing something obvious?

"Oh? So when are you going back to Palavan." she asked and acted completely normal. Though her mind was going through the past few days over and over again. Thinking about what she could have said or done to upset her Turian. 

"I...wait, what?" He asked, stopping all movement. "You...want me to go back?" He was shocked and she had to admit that he looked even more scared. Was he scared of losing her again? Most probably.

"I was thinking we could go together, I still need to meet your father. Unless..." She played with her food and looked back at him, "You would rather go alone?" she added and noted his sigh of relief. He was. Her Vakarian was worried she wasn't going to want him anymore or worse, that they were broken like her body had been. The silence dragged once again and she didn't like where her thoughts were heading. They were together finally, and yet it seemed they were still miles apart.

"Shepard...I..." his voice broke her thoughts like they always did, but she hated the tone he used.

"Yes?" she answered quickly, maybe spare her emotions a little. This spooked the Turian and he clammed up once more, staring at her with worried eyes. "Look, Garrus, I know your afraid of something. I am not sure what, but we can face it together." Shepard added and leaned forward. Taking his hand into hers. "We can face whatever this world throws at us." she smiled even more. Whatever was holding him back seemed to dissipate when she spoke and he nodded more.

"I want us to stay together." Garrus started again, breathing in slowly and out even more worriedly, "So...I was looking at, well, vids. Humans do bondmates differently and I wanted to make sure..." he rambled on and on while Shepard thought on that one word. Bondmate. Was he asking her for her hand? Over the dinner table?

"Yes." Shepard replied. 

"Sorry?" Garrus asked slowly, remembering what he was actually talking about. "Yes what?" he seemed stupefied by this whole talk.

"Yes, Garrus, I will be yours forever. I will be your bondmate." Shepard laughed faintly as she could only guess him to blush. He grinned and stood, taking her into his arms. Whatever he feared was gone now and their future was set to be together. They were free of reapers and together. The only problems they faced now was how they were going to cope with their very large and very loud family. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 03, 2021 ⏰

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