Chapter 6: Just Not Right

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Hello lovlies! Sorry it's taken me so freaking long to upload, and I promise I'll do much better in the future! This chapter is more of a discovery type of chapter.... sorry if it gets to be a bit boring, i promise they get better, i mean the chapter i'm working on right now (chapter nine) WOO.. that one's a doosy!

So as always, COMMENT. PLEASE. and vote/share if you feel so inclined...

Thank you so much, and I hope you enjoy!


Chapter 6


There was nothing. That’s the only way I could describe what I felt; in fact, I didn’t really feel anything. There was literally nothing. No pain, no boredom, no sight, no smell, no noise; it was like my entire body was numb to the world, and I was just existing in limbo, if you could even call it that.

Once or twice I thought I would hear the whispering of voices, but I just passed it off as a fleeting memory. Although I felt nothing, that was just the beginning. Soon enough, I began to regain feeling again. I began to feel as if I was floating on a cloud, high above the earth. I gradually began to feel my toes again, and then my ankles, then my knees, and the feeling made its way up my body until I could feel the heaviness of my head, and my heart.

Although I had regained the feeling of my body, I couldn’t move at all. My arms were heavy as lead, and my legs seemed to be made of jelly. It felt like someone had tied my head to the pillow and taped my mouth and my eyelids shut also. I wanted to be able to move again, to be able to tell everyone who was worried about me that I was alright, but I didn’t have the will power to do so

I could feel in my heart that I was incomplete. I had no recollection of how I got to feel this way, but it was as if part of me was missing. I could feel the hole where it once dwelled within me, and this weakened me like a hole in the bottom of a ship.

It was like I was a balloon, and the weight attached to the string was cut off, leaving me to float up to the ceiling. I could hear everything that they were saying below me, their wishes that I would come back, but that weight was what had kept me grounded, and without it, I couldn’t return. No one was tall enough, or clever enough to find a way to bring me down from that ceiling, where I could not come down nor continue upward into oblivion, where I longed to go at times.

With my newfound feeling, I could hear their pleading, their “Good mornings” and “Good night’s”, and I could hear every time they told me that they missed me. But all I could do was listen, and hope that someone would come along with a ladder and snatch me back down to earth.

I still felt good though. I felt healthy, because I was still full of life and air. I was just stuck, suspended in a place I wasn’t mean to be, and it was because of this displacement that I began to deflate. I began returning back down to the ground, and when I finally did make it, I was even more incomplete than I was when I was high above their heads. I wasn’t complete enough to face reality.

“M-Mrs. Maze!” A startled voice choked out from next to me as I groaned. I felt awful, miserable, and lifeless.

“MRS. MAZE! MR. MAZE! DANIEL!” the voice screamed again, sounding particularly similar to Erik’s.

I groaned again, mumbling this time, “Too loud…”

“Oh shit, I’m sorry Phia, I’ll be quiet.” Erik whispered.

“What is it Erik? Is she awake?” I could hear my mom rush into the room.

“Phia!” I heard Daniel and my dad shout after her.

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