Chapter 5: Puppet

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Alright, this is my favorite chapter so far, I think. I mean it took an immense amount of effort & a heck of alot of thinking to get all this together and remember what was what haha. I have serious remembering issues... which is why i have to like write every idea i get down immediately or else i forget :P even the appearance of characters & their personalities.. is that bad? Yeah, i'm pretty sure that's bad haha.

Anywayss.. i really hope you like this chapter, and things will start clearing up in.... chapter 9. Yeah, chapter 9, because i've already written up to that point and STARTING NOW, i won't upload until i have the current chapters that i'm writing done. Meaning chapter 6 won't be up until i finish writing chapter 9, chapter 7 won't go up until i finish writing chapter 10, and so on. I like being ahead of the game :)


thanks lovelies


Chapter 5


It was unimaginable; not even the most demented lunatic could know what it was like to experience what I did. Additionally, no sane person should be able to imagine what it was like to be in such a… state of being. And I would not wish it upon anyone, no matter how severely I loathe them ― not even Peter.

Now, keep in mind, I hated him now just as much as I hated him before my…disembodiment, but the better side of me left minor traces of sympathy here and there during our “journey,” as Peter liked to call it. But along with sympathy, envy and hatred led the way on what I was sure was my emotional route to insanity.

Anyone in my state of being would be envious of any other person, alive or dead. I was like a living puppet ― if I could even consider this living. I was somehow able to see and hear the world, but my limbs were inanimate and insensitive. But then again, they weren’t hardly even limbs; they were only reflections of Peter’s. I was practically invisible, because who cares enough to pay attention to the shadow of a madman?

Speaking of the madman, he had just begun to arouse from his slumber; something he was lucky enough to have. I had almost forgotten what it was like to sleep, after three years. When the night came, and there are larger shadows to cover the light, us “dissolvers” ― as The Control had seemed to name us ― were cast into another place. It was quite an interesting place, physically. It was the most interesting place one could think of; literally, it came out of our imaginations, though the fantasies were usually filled with sadness, hatred, and longing for something more real. The places, they seemed real enough; you could feel the grass beneath your feet, hear the shouts of the market place, and smell your lover’s perfume. It was only a place to pass the time, or a Passing Place. But we all knew that after a few hours, all of this would melt away back into what reality had become for us dissolvers.

I assumed it was some sick form of entertainment for those lower on the status queue of The Control, forced to watch over the dissolvers, just in case one of us happened to be doing something we shouldn’t ― like any of us knew what we were even doing in the first place. The Control was just that, controlling. They didn’t, however seem to bother doing anything about what happened after the sun went down, seeing as it had no possible chance of forming a threat to their system or establishment.

An  All that I’d been able to gather in the past three years of my time of disconnection ― gathered from other shadows that somehow invited themselves into your offset reality, a skill I had yet to understand ― was that The Control was some sort manipulative tyranny made of every person’s worst nightmares of what lurks in the dark. This became possible through the attainment of more human subjects. The obviously stronger Obtained, or souls stolen from the world, were placed as part of The Control ― the head honchos. The others, like me, who didn’t have any redeeming qualities that stuck out to The Control, were placed among the dissolvers, those who acted as sentries during the day, when light reigned the world, keeping watch for the enemy. Who they were looking out for, I had no idea. But I did understand that this was more than just a bored man’s game.

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