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"Can I get a strawberry on a waffle cone and a chocolate in a cup?" Odell ordered as he pulled a wrinkled $10 bill out of his pocket. He handed it to the cashier after he handed them their ice cream and told him to keep the change. Him and Demi walked side by side as they exited the store on the pier and took in the sights around them.

"You know, this was supposed to be a girls' weekend," Demi said as Odell looked over at her.

"Would you like to me leave?" He joked, but at this point in their relationship, he wouldn't be surprised if she said yes.

"No, but Tinsley is probably mad that you crashed our weekend. Are you staying the night?" Demi asked as Odell shook his head.

"I'll probably go back to get Kali then meet you at home," Odell said as Demi nodded her head.

Was it weird that things were awkward between them? It was like after their talk they didn't know how to act around each other. It's not like they had broken up but it was just...weird. They were dancing on the fine line between their relationship flourishing and moving to the next level and their relationship completely ending and falling apart. They just didn't know how to act while on that line.

"Look-" "Odell-"

They both laughed when they started to speak at the same time, but Demi let Odell go first.

"I don't want this to be weird," he started as Demi nodded in agreement.

"Then don't make it weird," she responded as Odell sighed and spooned some of his ice cream into his mouth.

"I just-" when he turned his head again, Demi's ice cream basically went up his nose because she had pushed it towards his face. It was all in his beard and running down his cheek and she giggled as she moved it back.

"Oops?" Demi laughed, offering him a napkin. He took it, but then grabbed her with his free arm and hoisted her over his shoulder. She totally forgot how strong Odell actually was as he carried her with one arm towards the ocean.

"I swear I didn't mean to!" Demi exclaimed as they got closer and closer to the water. Some of the people on the beach were looking at them, and once they saw who Odell was, they took their phones out.

"Odell!" Demi squeaked as he was now waist deep in the water. She still had her ice cream cone in her hand but he didn't seem to care as he dropped her in the water, successfully soaking her entire body and losing her cone in the ocean as she swam back to the surface.

"I hate you!" She said, shoving at his chest until he lost his balance and fell back. He laughed when he came up for air, wrapping his arms around her and twirling her around in the ocean as she giggled.

"Now I'm all wet," she pouted once they started to walk back towards the shore.

"You said it, not me," Odell chuckled as Demi punched him in the chest. She pushed her wet hair out of her face as they made it back to the shore and started to walk towards the beach house.

When they walked inside soaking wet with their feet covered in sand, Tinsley stopped them at the door.

"I'll go get some towels," she said, shaking her head as she jogged up the stairs. A few minutes later she came down with a pile of towels and watched as they attempted to dry themselves off before fully entering the house. Odell went upstairs to change but Demi simply took her dress off to reveal her bathing suit before wrapping another towel around her body.

"Is he staying?"

"No, he's leaving tonight," Demi said as she went into the kitchen to find something to eat with Tinsley following her.

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