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"My, my, it's interesting how one glows after ignoring her best friend's phone calls to have sex with her boyfriend all night," Tinsley teased as Demi sat down in front of her in the booth, taking Kali's coat off as she playfully rolled her eyes.

"Not in front of the child, Tins," Demi responded, placing Kali in the high chair and giving her one of her toys to keep her busy. After sending Odell off to his Nike photoshoot, Demi decided to invite Tinsley out for a late lunch before she went back home for the evening. For obvious reasons, she was exhausted, and Odell already warned her that he would be out late so she was planning on spending her evening in bed.

"Whatever. Since you decided not to take my advice, how was it?" Tinsley questioned as Demi lazily shrugged her shoulders, contradicting the dreamy look on her face.

"It felt like college again. No baby, no drama, no struggles. It just felt like we were college kids again celebrating a win at a football game or relaxing after midterms. I missed that part of our relationship. I missed him," Demi explained as Tinsley nodded in understanding. "And I know you're gonna say that I shouldn't fall for it or whatever, but I love Odell, I really do. He's an ass sometimes but I love him so much and I want us to work out, Tins. You get that, right?"

"Of course I get it, Demi. And trust me, I know he loves you too. But I just feel like even though he does love you, he takes advantage of you and you fall for it every time. I just don't want to see you get hurt," Tinsley said as their waitress came to take their drink orders and to see if they wanted any appetizers. Tinsley quickly ordered for the both of them before resuming their conversation.

"Thanks for looking out, Tins. We talked this morning and from now on, I'm putting my foot down. Things are gonna change between us, hopefully for the better," Demi said with a confident smile on her face. Tinsley wanted to believe her, and she had a little bit more to say about the subject, but Demi was clearly in a good mood and she didn't want to ruin that, so she let it be.

"Well, good for you. So, next weekend I was thinking that we could go to Miami Beach. Ariel has a timeshare out there and all of the girls are gonna be there. It's gonna be so fun, like old times," Tinsley suggested as Demi chewed down on her bottom lip.

After that whole Odell situation happened in college, her and Ariel had actually become really good friends. They were living together and they saw each other all of the time because of cheer so they didn't really have a choice. But things changed once Demi got pregnant. Not only did she stop talking to most of the girls on the squad, but they stopped talking to her. Every once in a while, Ariel would text her to see how she was doing but that was the extent of their conversations. A weekend away sounded amazing but Demi wasn't sure if she wanted to spend her weekend with a bunch of girls she hadn't talked to in years.

"I don't know," Demi said as their waitress set their drinks and appetizers down. Demi gave Kali her sippy cup before turning back to Tinsley.

"Demi, you-"

"I know I need a weekend away, and it sounds fun, but...let me just talk to Odell about it first, okay?"

"Fine," Tinsley huffed. "What are you doing tonight?"

"Honestly? Sleeping. I'll have the house to myself and I'm exhausted," Demi said as her face flushed pink because Ariel started to laugh.

"I was gonna ask if you wanted to go to the club with me but never mind. Odell blew your back out last night and now you're all fucked up," Tinsley laughed as Demi playfully rolled her eyes.

Sometimes, Demi wished that she could live the way that Tinsley did. She worked a temp job at a law office while attending graduate school. She always had time to party. She wasn't tied down to anyone so she pretty much got to do whatever she wanted. Demi just felt like she had missed out on that part of her life. She loved her life now, and she loved Kali and Odell, but she just felt like something was missing, and she wasn't sure what it was.

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