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"oh, it's almost 4.. i think i should go now, cause i have to meet narin at the comics shop."i tell jihoon.

"okay sure, and be free to introduce her to us sometimes.."jihoon jokes.

"why not?"i said and laugh before walk to my room and get ready.

after changing my clothes and all, i walk out from the dorm and give narin a text said i'm on my way to the shop.

when i arrive at the comics shop, open the door and as usual minhyuk greet me.

"narin isn't here right?"i ask. minhyuk shook his head and point out at the shelf at the end of the shop.

"she's there a few minutes ago."minhyuk said with a smile.

before i walk to the back, minhyuk mouth me a 'goodluck'. i thanks him as i slowly walk to the back.

from afar i see narin back facing me while searching for some book. i smirk as an idea come to my mind.

"boo!"i yelled. narin jump a little in shocked. she turn around and hit me on the chest.

"yah, i almost get a heart attack you know."she whine with a frown on her face.

i laugh and mouth a sorry. "should we go now?"i ask. she nod her head with a smile spread on her face.

"kaja.."she said softly. today she's wearing a soft pink knee dress and she tie her hair into a ponytail. but..

"where's your glasses?"i ask as i notice she didn't wear it today.

"oh my glasses, i broke it yesterday night.. so, i have to make a new one at the glasses shop."she explain.

"ah.. so, we going to the glasses shop first?"

"yeah, and after that i want to walk around the mall cause i want to buy something for my art class. but don't worry i won't take too long."she smile at me.

"okay, cause i don't really mind actually."i said as we both stop a cab that passing by.

"hey, did you read the link that i give you yesterday?"i ask when i remember about it.

"oh about the comics drawer coming to the mall?"she ask and i nod.

"wanna come with me to go there? cause you know, we love to read the comics.. why not right?"

she sigh. "i did love to but i had something to settle up on that day, so i can't come with you.. sorry."she said with a sad tone.

"oh it's okay really, i can go with joshua hyung.. he's a fan too you know."i said trying to change the topic.


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