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Bill's POV

Fleur and I have been together for a little over four months. It's been truly incredible. She makes my entire world seem brighter. I still can't figure out how. Everything's just better with her around. We exchange owls all the time.


I can't wait for our date this weekend. I hate that you've been working so much lately. We've barely seen each other. I miss you.


I've been working a lot of overtime at Gringott's lately. It sucks, but I need the money and the hours. I'm working so I can afford a surprise for our 6 month anniversary.  I'm taking Fleur out this weekend, we're going shopping then out for lunch. Most guys hate shopping, but I really don't mind.

I look forward to any date, no matter what we're doing. As long as I'm with her, I'll be happy. I sound like a young sap thinking about his school crush.

Fleur's POV

I miss him. I feel like I never stop thinking about him. And I'm worried he doesn't feel the same. I feel alive when I'm with him. I can't believe how incredible he makes me feel. I feel like I've known him forever. I get caught up in my thoughts quite often when I'm thinking about him, which leads to me being late. Saturday morning I'm running late. Big time.

"Fleur honey Bill's here." Oh shit. I quickly throw on an old long sleeve shirt and run downstairs. I look like a mess, but I don't care. My hairs up in a ponytail, and I'm wearing jean shorts. This is the messiest I've ever looked when I was with Bill.

"Hey babe." He says as I walk quickly into his arms, giving him a quick kiss. I pull back to see a blush spreading across his cheeks.

"Have a great day sweetie. Curfew's at midnight, not a minute later." My mum says, kissing me on the cheek before going into the kitchen with my sister.

"Sorry about her. She's not used to me going out with boys. So what do you want to do first?" I have no idea what he's planning for today. I know he said something about taking me shopping but I don't know.

"I was thinking of taking you to the muggle world. America, to be specific. I went there over the summer and they have the cutest little boutiques and stuff. I thought I could take you out for lunch then take you shopping. I love the little towns there." That sounds so incredibly romantic.

"That sounds incredible. I've never been to America. Is it really different from here?" I can't believe he wants to take me to a different country. I'm pretty sure that's a sign of being at least somewhat committed.

They don't have accents. They talk really plain. But it's fun to visit there. Hold tight." He says, wrapping his strong arms around me once again. Before I know it, we're gone. We come up in a cute little park. I'm immediately breathless from how beautiful it is. There's a pond in the distance, and the park is drowning in silence.

"This place is so breathtaking. Is every place like this? It's never this quiet back home." It's honestly incredible. It's like Bill travels so he can find romantic places all over the world.

"Trust me, most places are just as loud as everywhere back home. But this little park is special. Not many people bother coming, so it's got this rare serenity. The place I wanted to take you isn't too far from here, do you mind walking?" I shake my head, enjoying the silence.

We walk quietly, hand in hand. We don't say much, because we don't need words in this moment. We are perfectly happy to walk in silence, just enjoying each other's presence. We stop in front of this cute little café. "This is probably my favorite café in the whole world. They make incredible food."

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