Kiss Me

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Fleur's POV

It's been a couple days since Bill and my first date, and I haven't stopped thinking about him since. We've been sending owls back and forth every day, but I'm positively giddy waiting to see him again. My snowy owl Angel comes flying through my window. I rush to grab the envelope from her beak, excited to read what Bill has to say.

Dear Fleur,

So I found out I can get tonight off work. I know it's really late notice, but would you like to go out tonight? I will totally understand if you already have plans. But I was thinking of taking you out for dinner. There's this wonderful restaurant in Italy that I would love to take you to. Please let me know so I can make reservations. I was thinking dinner around 7?

Much Love,


"Mum! May I go out with Bill again tonight?" I yell, racing down the steps and sliding into the kitchen. I don't know what it is about this man, but something about him makes my heart flutter and my cheeks heat up.

"I don't mind, but what was he thinking of doing?" I grab a piece of parchment and a spare quill as she says yes.

"He wants to take me to a restaurant in Italy. Italy is so romantic! I've always wanted to go there! Mum he's so dreamy and romantic." I write an owl to him as I talk.

Dear Bill,

I would love to go out with you tonight. 7 sounds perfect. I'll see you soon.



"Oh sweetheart that's wonderful! Having a boy who will romance you is always an incredible thing. This boy sounds like everything you've always talked about. Now, what are you going to where? I imagine if you need reservations it's a somewhat fancy restaurant."

Bill's POV

I am so excited for tonight. I'm taking her to a place known for helping couples fall in love. My father took my mum there when they were teenagers. I've never known anyone to go there and not have their relationship be wonderful.

It's run by wizards and muggles together, creating a wonderful open atmosphere. With good food, and a nice place, this date will go great.

I start to get ready long before I need to, running purely on nerves. Since this is a fancier restaurant, I grab a plain white button down and black dress pants. I leave the top few buttons undone, and roll the sleeves up to get a kind of laid back vibe. In reality I am crazy nervous that Fleur won't like the date or even worse, she won't like me.

I apparate over there a few minutes before seven, so I can fix my hair and stuff before I ring the doorbell. I hear a young voice yell coming from inside, before a splitting image of Fleur is opening the door. "Oh you must be Bill! Come in! I'm Gabrielle, Fleur's little sister." That makes sense. The girl looks like exactly like her!

"Fleur! You're dates here!" She yells up the steps, turning and giving me a little grin. An older version of Fleur comes in the room.

"Hello Bill, it's nice to see you again." I bend down to kiss her hand, trying to show her respect and put her mind at ease.

"It's nice to see you too Miss Delacour. Thank you for letting me take Fleur out again. To be completely honest, I couldn't get her out of my head." Probably not the best thing to say to her mother, but oh well. It's the truth.

I hear noise from behind me, and I spin around, seeing Fleur start to come down the steps. I feel all the air leaving my body, as I watch enamored. She's wearing a red dress, splattered with little white polka dots. Her hair is partially pulled back, leaving the rest down in curls. She's a vision of utter beauty.

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