Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

Hoggle stood in front of Jareth's desk. He tried to hide his fears from the Goblin King very badly. Jareth sat looking at the dwarf. "Higgle." He looked up at the King. "Hoggle, Your Majesty." Jareth stood up and walked around the desk. Hoggle moved back. Jareth looked down at him as he leaned back against the desk. "Hoggle, I am making you my hire." Hoggle looked up in shock. "Me? But why?" Jareth kneeled down beside him. "Because you are the only one fit to be." He began to round his desk. "Now, I have to get invitations to have everyone return." Jareth sat down and looked at Hoggle. "You may go." Hoggle hurried out of the room in search of Sarah.

Sarah sat beside Toby. Toby didn't look at her. She had just told him about their past visit to the Underground. Toby finally looked at her. "You gave your dreams for me." Sarah smiled. "Yeah and I'd do it again." Toby stood up and looked at his sister. Yes, she did wish me away, but she chose me in the end. "Sarah, I'm not mad. I'm just not worth your dreams." Sarah stood up and looked at him smiling and crying. "Yes, you are, Toby."

That was what Hoggle saw when he found them. He ran and stood beside Sarah. "Toby, she loves you. You're her brother. She'd give up anything to get you back." Toby looked down trying to hide his tears. "I know, Hoggle. I just want to be more indebted to her then I know." Sarah looked at her brother and then at Hoggle. "Toby, Hoggle needs to talk to me." Toby glanced at her then Hoggle. "I'll go find my friends. See you later, Hoggle." Toby ran off leaving them alone.

Sarah sat back down on the bench. Hoggle stood in front of her. "Sarah, do you know what Jareth has planned?" Sarah looked past him to see Jareth leaning against the wall behind him. "What, Hoggle?" He sighed. "He's making me his hire." Sarah looked past him at Jareth who only smiled. "Ah. Huh. Do you see anything wrong with that?" Hoggle looked at her. "No, but it seems odd to me. Someone who keeps getting my name wrong wants me to take his place." Sarah smiled. "You deserve it, Hoggle." Hoggle smiled. "I think he's doing this to make you happy. Which I don't understand. Why does he care?" Sarah looked past Hoggle to see Jareth was gone. Be careful. He may not be there, but he'll know what you said. She then looked into his eyes. "He loves me, Hoggle." Hoggle stepped back. "He doesn't love anyone, but himself, Sarah." He shook his head. Sarah hung her head down. He's right he used to but he's change. Hasn't he? Sarah raised her head and looked at Hoggle. "I believe him." Hoggle took one of her hands into his. "Sarah, I don't want you to get hurt. I'll help you any way I can." Sarah smiled and hugged him. "Thanks, Hoggle."

Jareth sat at his desk when Sarah walked in. He looked up at her and then returned to his work. Sarah walked up to the desk and placed her hands on it. "What's with making Hoggle your heir?" Jareth looked up at her. She's beautiful when she's angry. Of course she's beautiful the rest of the time as well. "I thought the same thing you did. He's the best one here. Beside I couldn't think of anyone else." Sarah looked into his mismatched eyes. "He can't do it." Jareth stood up. "What? He can't do what I've done? Sarah, I know you don't want to stay her and I can't let you leave without me. And I can't make your brother my heir so where does that leave me?" Sarah sighed. "I just don't think Hoggle is the best choice." Jareth smirked at her. "You said he deserved it, Sarah." She closed her eyes. "He deserves something for helping me, but not this. Make the mayor your heir, but leave poor Hoggle alone." Jareth walked around the desk and took Sarah into his arms. "All right. I'll leave Higgle alone." Sarah looked at him. "His name is Hoggle. And thank you." Jareth kissed the top of her head. "Only for you, Sarah." Jareth stood with his arms around Sarah. Neither heard the door open as a certain dwarf poked his head in.

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