Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

Darkness surrounded her. No sound could be heard except her breathing. What was going on? She sat on the floor or what she thought was the floor. Was that queen real or was she just something Sarah had imagined because was thinking about him again. Him. The Goblin King. Since her dream of running his labyrinth, he'd been in her dreams. At first she just relived the part of her dream, where he danced with her over and over again. But since she turned eighteen the dreams had changed. No longer were they in the ballroom dancing, but she would always wake up before anything really happened except for the last time. She'd put away everything except for the statue of him and her music box. Whenever she'd felt down since that night, she'd play the music box. It made her feel as if somewhere someone loved her. Now she was sitting in the dark and wishing in her mind she had the music box.

Toby stood with a dwarf in the Goblin city. He listened as the dwarf talked. No matter what was going on he missed his sister. She'd always been able to make him smile. He could remember her acting out a part of The Labyrinth to make him laugh when he was sad. He needed her now. Looking up he could see the Goblin King watching him from above. He'd tricked Toby into coming here, but he had made sure he was cared for. Something didn't make sense. He had heard numerous mentions of a girl who had fifth-teen years ago solved the labyrinth and won the first child back from the Goblin King. He could have sworn some had said her name was Sarah.

Jareth sat in the window of the throne room watching Toby with the dwarf. He had forced the dwarf, knight, and rock summoner to not say a word to Toby about what had happened fifth-teen years ago. He didn't need to know what his sister had done for him. Not yet. Sarah herself would tell him. Sarah. Just the thought of her made him closes his eyes. He may have been watching Toby, but he would always watch her. The King sent goblins to watch over him, while he watched over Sarah in owl form. He never interfered with her life. Jareth just stood on the sidelines. But he needed her now. He hadn't dared left to check on her, but something hadn't felt right last night. After drawing a crystal from the air, he turned and spun it. The crystal turned and spun, but no Sarah entered the orb. Looking in horror at the crystal in his hand, Jareth rose. Something was wrong. Why wasn't he able to see her? His magic could reach anyway except a few places. This wasn't good. Someone could be holding her prison and he wouldn't know. Glancing down at Toby and the dwarf, he decided not to mention it to them or the knight or rock summoner. He turned and quickly turned into his owl form. He flew away hoping he would find her safe and sound at her home.

The Goblin King landed on the tree outside her bedroom window. He peered in and no sign she had even made into her bed. Normally at this hour her bed was a mess, but today it was made. He moved lower down the tree. A pain began to fill him. Where was she? Her home looked the same except for the things that happened daily. Her cat was walking on the windowsill watching him. If could he only get inside. Something was wrong. He sat in the tree all day hoping she would come home or see some sign of life besides the cat, but nothing happened. Finally he had to leave for the ball. He lifted himself up. Sorrow filled him as he soared higher. Sarah, where are you?

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