I Married the Prince of Darkness (Edited)

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The Picture on the side is Casper (He has green eyes though not blue)

Dedicated to SherryDale

Because she is such an awsome fan and offered to edit my story for me. I can't thank her enough I'm so very please with the work she's done for me :D :D

Chapter One

"Come on Crystal! I know it's your birthday, but you're going to make us extremely late!" yelled my best friend Kiara.

I loved that girl more than anything, she's been my best friend since we were seven. We've been through a lot together.

I quickly put up the rest of my brown curls and finished applying my make-up before Kiara came up looking for me. If she found me unready, she'd surely kill me! I slid on my red sleeveless form fitting dress which showed off my curves,and came to mid-thigh. It's a little slutty but hey, I'm twenty one! Finally, it's legal for me to drink and go clubbing.

I walked downstairs where she was waiting, she looked so excited. She reminded me of a kid in a candy shop.

"OH MY GOD! LOOK AT YOU!" she screamed when she saw me standing there.

"Do I look okay? I'm not too slutty am I?" I asked her.

"You're joking right? Your look amazing! I'm sure the guys will want to eat you up tonight!" Kiara replied laughing.

We were meeting a group of our friends at a club called, 'The Vault'. We had agreed to meet at 10 pm, and we were already running thirty minutes behind. Once our taxi arrived, it was going to take about another twenty minutes to get to the club.

I was getting more excited the closer we got to the club, I looked over at Kiara and noticed that she had on a similar dress to mine, only hers was purple which she accesorized with black heels, and her long blonde hair flowed down her back in waves.

"You look beautiful tonight girl," I said with a smile.

"Thank you, but you look so much better though!" she replied.

We finally arrived and I spotted our friends instantly at the back of the club. We passed by the pool tables to the left hand side of the club to get to our friends.I just wanted to drink, dance and maybe have a little fun later on!

"Happy Birthday babe!" my friends all yelled. I didn't get a chance to sit down before a drink was shoved into my hand ,which I tossed back.

"DANCE WITH ME!" I screamed into Damien's ear, as I dragged him onto the dance floor.

"Sure thing!" he smirked.

We were dancing for what seemed like hours, in the press of the dance floor, but it was probably only about twenty minutes.

"Come on! Let's go grab a drink!", Damien said loudly.

We made our way towards the packed bar. Thankfully the bartender had already noticed Damien who ordered our drinks.

"Hey! Never thought I'd see you again. What can I get you?" the bartender asked Damien.

" I know! It's been like two years," Damien answered her, leaning over the bar to give her a kiss on the cheek. "One bourbon and coke, a QF and vodka with OJ."

" Do you know her?" I asked Damien when she turned to make our drinks. "Yeah ,she's my half-sister. We haven't seen each other in a few years," he replied.

We grabbed our drinks and headed back to the table. Only about forty minutes had passed since we arrived and already my feet were killing me! I took a seat at the table and downed my shot.

"Yuck! That's horrible!" I complained with a grimace as the alcohol burnt my throat.

"Come on chick, it's not that bad," my friend Kendall said with a smile.

My other friend Aaron stood and said with a smirk, "I'll go get us another round."

"I don't want more. I won't be able to walk by the end of the night," I grumbled.

"We'll look after you," my other friend Andy interjected.

I took their word for it as Aaron came back with more QF's. I managed to get three more down before deciding that I'd had enough. I stood up to walk towards the dance floor, but my foot slipped from under me and I went hurtling towards the floor. Suddenly a pair of strong arms wrapped around my waist and pulled me up towards a warm solid body just before my face came in contact with the floor.

"Thank you so much," I slurred with a smile.

"You're very welcome, beautiful," the stranger responded with a smirk.

I slowly peeked up at the guy who had saved me from making a fool of myself. I couldn't help but stare, he was the most handsome man I had ever seen. He had sandy blonde scruffy hair, amazing bright green eyes and the most beautiful face I had ever seen. Perfect. Everything about him was perfect!

"I'm Casper, and you are?" he asked looking down at me.

Wow! Even the sound of his voice was beautiful. Surely to God, there had to be something wrong with him. God couldn't create perfect beauty like this.

"Ahem." he cleared his throat.

I didn't realize I was still staring and I felt a blush start to creep upon my cheeks.

"I'm Crystal, it was nice to meet you Casper," I replied, a huge smile on my face.

"Would you care to dance?" he asked as his hand reached out to me.

I placed my hand in his as he led us towards the dance floor. His skin was so smooth and cool, my hand suddenly felt like it was on fire. We moved to the music, the pounding bass moving through my body. We started rubbing and grinding our bodies against each other and the friction made my whole body feel as if it were on fire. I'd never felt anything like this before.

The song finished, leaving us looking at each other, until Aaron came over to us.

"Come on Crystal. We are all waiting for you," he said with a wink.

"Thank you for the dance Casper. Maybe we can have one more dance later, before I leave?" I asked.

"Sure I'll be here for awhile," he replied as he kissed my hand and smiled. 

I blushed from his kind actions as I made my way over to Aaron.

"Who was that guy?" myfriends asked when Aaron and I arrived at the table.

"His name is Casper, isn't he hot?" I replied remembering his bright green eyes.

"He sure is!" Kiara giggled.

So far my night was going great, but I think I'd had a little too much to drink. I could barely remember my name. I was that wasted. I made my way to the bathroom and the last thing I remember was washing my hands. The next thing I knew, everything went black as I passed out.

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