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Obi-wan curled up on his bed. He knew what had happen and what was going to happen. He could tell what was happening even though it was barely. His arms were wrapped around his knees. He just couldn't get the memory of Maul out of his mind. Of him being stabbed, kicked around and collapsing after his body hit with wave after wave of Force Lighting.
He just wanted to cry, but he knew if he cried he wouldn't be able to stop. He knew they were there anymore though. The three Sith had left where ever they kept Obi-wan almost a week ago. They left with Obi-wan's door locked. They had left leaving the ex-Jedi with his torn clothes and the Force canceling collar that was around his neck.
Only the protocol droid came in and out of the room with food. Obi-wan knew he could escape from the room whenever the droid came in and out of the room, but when ever the door opened, Obi-wan occasionally saw multiple IG-86 sentinel droid. Droids that were also known as assassin droid. Obi-wan knew he was in no state to fight at all. His body was riddled with bruises and cuts and he was only being fed enough food to keep him alive. They would be back anyways. Obi-wan kept telling himself as he was facing away from the door. He was pulled from his thoughts when he heard the door open.
"Back already? I thought you had left. What do you want this time?" Obi-wan spoke daringly
"Come on Obi-wan, is that anyway to greet me?" A familiar voice spoke from the door way and Obi-wan's body quickly turned around to he the old familiar face of his old padawan.
"A-Anakin? W-What are you doing here?" Obi-wan shook his head he had to be dreaming this.
"Rescuing you, what else would I be here for?" Anakin smiled at his old master, but it quickly faded when he saw the damage his old master's body had taken over the time they hadn't seen each other. I I-wan was confused though, how did Anakin know he was in trouble?
"What in the galaxy happened to you Obi-wan?" Anakin's voice was sad and shocked
"Droids aren't nice to those without the Force." Obi-wan lied to him and Anakin could tell he was when the older Jedi's eyes shifted to the side, but Anakin didn't want to push anything.
"Can you walk?" Anakin asked and Obi-wan simply nodded. Anakin helped him up and they started walking. One question was really bugging Anakin.
"So, where's Maul? I thought you and him where together." Anakin never like the idea of Obi-wan and Maul being together, but he wanted his old master to be happy. He stopped a step after Obi-wan stopped.
"Dooku killed him." Obi-wan's voice was dry and his throat was tight with his eyes watering. Anakin could hear a familiar sound in Obi-wan's voice as his old master balled his hands up. It was sorrow and anger. The same way he had felt after his mother had died.
"We should get going Obi-wan, Ahsoka and the others are waiting for us." Anakin informed him and they kept walking.

After boarding the ship, Ahsoka and Rex had happily greeted their old friend to only be greeted back with silence.
"Master?" Ahsoka said looking confused as Anakin lead Obi-wan.
"Come on Snips, we need to get Obi-wan to the medical bay. Go ahead and get a medic droid ready." Anakin Order and Ahsoka quickly went ahead of them.

"What?!" Anakin shouted at his padawan shocked by the news she told him.
"The tests are clear Master. Master Kenobi is pregnant." Ahsoka told him calmly
"That can't be right! The test must be wrong! Run them again!" Anakin demanded
"I did. 3 times! They all say the same thing, Master." Ahsoka said handing Anakin the report. "I guess it's why he's been quiet and why he asked for meat after the examination was done."
"He asked for meat?"
"Yeah! I mean I've never seen him even touch meat before and when he was eating it was like he depended on it." She paused for a moment. "You never told me how exactly you knew Master Kenobi was there."
"3 hooded men some how ended up in Obi-wan's old room. The one with a raspy voice had told me that Dooku had him as a prisoner. Another just stood in Obi-wan's room looking at a picture of him on the wall and the third one just stood next to the second." Anakin explained
"Wait. So you're telling me that 3 strange men appeared in Master Kenobi's room, in the Jedi Temple, and told you that he was imprisoned by Dooku and being held on a random ship in space, and you went along with it?" Ahsoka asked her master only slightly surprised
"Yeah. Turns out they were right."
"So typical of you Master. So is taking Master Kenobi back to the Temple a good idea? I mean, how will the council react to finding that a member of their own council left and that he use to mates with an ex-Sith lord and for him to be pregnant upon his return?" Ahsoka questioned her master
"I'm not sure. I just know it's the only place we know he'll be safe." Anakin said
"We could always take him to Dathomir. I'm sure the Nightsisters would accept him and even more if they know he's carrying Maul's kid." Ahsoka suggested to it being quickly struck down
"We are not taking him back there Ahsoka and that's that. If he gets resigned, he'll stay with me until I can figure out a place to move him to that I know is safe." Anakin said
"And what about the baby?"
"Hopefully he decides what to do with it before it's born. Whatever monstrosity it is, it does not fall to the Jedi to take care of it." Anakin declared
"Monstrosity!? Master how could you say that?! It's Master Kenobi's child!" Ahsoka was astonished by Anakin's choice of words.
"And the child of a monster who killed millions of innocent people."
"Even if it is, the child is an innocent and we as Jedi have to do everything in our power to care for and protect it!" Ahsoka fought back.
"I will not have an argument over this Ahsoka. Now go and make sure the captain is on the quickest route to Coruscant." Anakin demanded and Ahsoka quickly turned around and left her Master

You'll be mine part 2Where stories live. Discover now