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My first rant is about grammar. Yes, I know that nobody is perfect, but your writing can make some sense. Now, I'm not pointing any fingers, but the main source of this rant is pointed to the fan fic authors. For some reason they think that they can get away with bad grammar because they have lots of reads. it doesn't matter how many reads you have or how many votes you have, you should always write with proper grammar. there is this thing called proofreading and editing, you should try it! Now, I don't want no hate.(see what i did there, double negative.) I'm doing this rant because it is hard for me to read some stuff because the grammar is horrible! I'm pretty sure that other people also think that but they are just to scared to speak up! You can't do that. if you have a problem with someone's grammar, tell them. If a person really needs it, they should share their account with one of their friends so that their friends can edit the chapter before it is published. I don't know why but when a person has really bad grammar, it annoys the heck out of me! I just hate it!

Don't get mad at me for this rant, because I warned you, this is a book of rants, and in a rant, you are bound to say something that may offend another person, but you don't try.

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