Chapter 3: Mission!

Start from the beginning

She stood up and glided towards us swiftly, she didn't stop until she was crushing me with a tight hug. After pulling away she continued a little sheepish, "Hehe, I didn't think to check my e-mail this morning so I didn't know. Mmm, let me guess, Pixie?"

I nodded distracted by the intricate lined patterns, dimly shining a beautiful silver across her face, neck and arms. Pretty much everything that wasn't covered by clothing had those patterns. If I wasn't standing right across from her I wouldn't have noticed. Her dark shoulder length hair ruffled from the wind made by her fluttering wings.

Her crystal blue eyes were full of excitement, "Well it was about time this unit was completed, Anyways my name is Zandra and I am unit 13's assigned mentor. If you have any questions or need some advice I'm your girl!" Zandra explained with a huge smile on her face.


"Okay I got a question, how do I get out of here and go home?"

Zandra looked confused, "Why would you want to get out of Faylinn Field's?"

Apparently, the fact that someone is in an unknown place with strangers is not a good enough reason...

"Umm, I don't know....Maybe because I don't know where in the world I am?! I swear I sometimes think I'm in a completely different planet! And don't get me started with-" Out of the sudden my voice was gone. I tried to continue talking but no words came out of my mouth.

I turned to Lillith and glared at her as if there was no tomorrow. I swear if she keeps doing this I will break and go in a rampage. Trust me, no one wants to see Alex Watson go into crazy mode.

"We already went through with this Alexandra! But let me make it clearer darling because it seems you just don't understand: YOU WILL NOT GO BACK HOME!" Lillith barked with unhidden anger in her light brown eyes. Yep! She can probably pass as an ogre alright.

"Lily!" Elysia warned with a small, worried frown.

Azaiah just stood there bored lying his back on a huge tree.

Zandra cleared her throat, "Well, it seems we have a bit of a problem here," a thoughtful look spread through her eyes as she stroked her chin.



"Aha!" She shouted after a couple of moments of silence making us jump. "You are now dismissed from the rest of your classes for today."

"What?" Azaiah said alarmed. Nerd! I personally would have cheered if I was dismissed from class!

"Instead, you will go on a mission!”

Wait what? A mission? What in the world? I just said I want to leave and she gives us a mission!

"Woah! A mission? Aren't we supposed to go on missions only during break?" Elysia questioned tilting her head to the side.

Zandra smiled somewhat wickedly, "Not unless  your mentor says otherwise!"

"You are taking us out of class for a mission you just came up with not even five minutes ago?" Azaiah inquired baffled, his gray eyes full of curiosity.


"Your joking"



"Because I say so!"

Oh Gawd this isn't ever going to end!

Can I talk now? I said in my head. Lillith probably saw the weird combination of a tortured/murderous glare I was giving her because in a flash I was able to speak again.

"A mission!?" I blurted out the instant my lips parted.

"Yes Alex, we just went over that," Zandra giggled, her wings fluttering in the wind, "Now who was assigned as the leader?"

"Alexandra," Elysa reported moving a white strand of hair behind her ear.

"Oh!" Zandra's blue eyes scrutinized mine, "Well, Ilana has made an interesting choice..."

"Whose Ilana?" I asked curious of who that weird name belonged to.

"The fairy Queen," Elysia informed with a smile.

Meanwhile, Zandra was lost in thought for a couple of seconds and then snapped back, "Okay here's what you have to do: You will travel to the human world and--"

"The human world?!" I Interrupted rather rudely. I should stop interrupting people I thought, my mom taught me better than that. Oh, well. There was questions popping in my head like there's no tomorrow and I NEEDED answers.

Zandra sighed, "Yes, Alexandra, the human world."

"Okay!" I squeaked failing miserably at hiding my new found excitement. Zandra's eyes glinted as  she nodded and continued explaining our so called mission.

I paid little attention as a plan was quickly forming in my head.

I was going to run away.

A small smile tugged at my lips. Ha! Knowing I urged to leave this place, Zandra goes ahead and practically grants my wish? I suddenly started questioning the way they assigned the staff in this place. It seemed that they didn't put much into consideration if the mentors were smart or not when hiring the so called Segreto.

Not able to hide my now full blown smile, I shrugged and relaxed. Home. I was going home and I swear to the Big Guy up there I am not coming back.


Phew! End of chapter three! ;)

Now miss little Alex here thinks she has a plan.....

Will she succeed or not?

Muahahahahahahahahaha!!!! Maybeeeeee........  :D

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