Chapter 4: To Me, My X-Men

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Xavier's Mansion was a very peculiar place. It had housed many strange beings that harboured abilities that could create and destroy. Dangerous it may be to keep people as such, the great Professor X has a way to train them and push them to the good side.

It was a haven, a home. Children were free to laugh and play, and the young men and women mingled with no limits as opposed to the outside world. It was where no harm could be placed upon them in all their fragility for they have the X-Men to act as their guardians. The kids breathe easy knowing this.

"And then it was the Spanish explorer Magellan who searched for the Moluccas islands, or otherwise known as the Spice Islands," Miss Monroe continued.

The classroom was quiet, listening attentively to their teacher. All of the students were mutants. Some had pink skin and some had quills for hair. One boy was blue all over. He had a tail like the devil. Some called him the Nightcrawler. There wasn't anything unusual inside the room though as it was all normal to their perceptions.

Then the bell rang.

"Alright, class dismissed." She said as she gathered her books. "Have a good weekend."

The mansion was a place to live in, to be educated, and to be accepted. Mutants have had a long history of being persecuted by most political officials, fanatical organizations, and individuals with agendas. Some of the regular people were rather intrigued though but the zealous and curious had other opinions about them. Nonetheless were mutants been a hot topic to those who know of their presence in the face of the earth.

Ororo entered the wide festooned corridors of the mansion towards the faculty room. A swift cool breeze from the windows enters the halls and so she could do nothing but smile at nature's greeting. Abruptly she encountered Scott. She wasn't surprised though for of course the mansion is where both of them of live.

"Morning Scott." She greeted with a smile.

"Morning to you too." His smile almost reached his red-tinted visors. "Seen the news lately?" His expression changed immediately.

"No. Why?"

"Oslo is in chaos. People with swords dressed liked Vikings are burning the streets." He said with much worry but with a tinge of happiness. "I don't think they're ordinary gangsters and thugs though."

"Yes, they may not be."

They walked and continued their conversation.

"I informed the professor about this."

"You want to intervene?" She said with a brow raised. "Scott, we've been hiding-"

"For too long." He interrupted as slicked his hair backwards. "For too long, Ororo."

"For a reason, Scott."

Ororo, like other mutants, was afraid to be judged, to be hated, and to be feared. It was alright for her race to be canned occasionally as urban legends but to be seen as real was not too her liking. Scott however was more than eager to prove to the world that they are genuine beings and that they are people too. The Cyclops was a little uncharacteristic, hence, since he was always brooding and quiet at times.

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