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You were walking through the Goldstein sisters' apartment to get to Newt and Jacob's room. You had forgotten your H/H scarf in the little workshop area of Newt's case. You met the shy Hufflepuff in your sixth year of Hogwarts; as you were partners in potions and had been best friends ever since. But once Newt left to go study magical creatures, you hadn't seen each other since then. It wasn't until more than a decade later when you were living in New York and you bumped into him (or, rather, he bumped into you) when you were observing Mary Lou Barebone's rally.


You recognized each other's faces immediately, and you helped him catch his Niffler when it got loose in the bank. He asked you a bit about how life was going for you now, and nothing much had really changed for you. A few ex-boyfriends here and there, but they were jerks anyway and you were the one to break it up. You went with Tina to her and Queenie's apartment with Newt and Jacob, and during dinner Queenie couldn't help but read Newt's thoughts. Newt was wondering whether or not you currently had a boyfriend, which Queenie happily announced to everyone. Newt turned a marvelous deep shade of red. You laughed a bit and responded with no. After that, everyone was busy with capturing Newt's creatures about the city. When the whole deal was over and the citizens were obliviated (except Jacob), you and Newt would occasionally take small walks together and catch up. Little did you know, Newt was completely smitten with you, ever since your sixth year together at Hogwarts.

**End of flashback**

Once you approached Newt's case, you knelt down, unlatched it, and climbed down inside.

"Hey New—," you started. But then you turned around and saw Newt. Shirtless. He wildly spun around at the sound of your voice. Your facial expression melted into one of shock and wonder. Your gaze shifted down to Newt's bare chest. Completely lining his chest were what seemed to be an impossible number of scars, of all different shapes and sizes. He had just finished healing a new one.

"Y-Y/N!" he exclaimed, surprised and shocked.

You gradually stepped closer to him, him watching you every move. "W-what are these...?" You asked, lightly trailing a finger down one of the longest scars. Newt jumped at the sudden contact, and you quickly pulled your finger away.

"Uh... Y/N w-what are you doing down here???" he asked, clearly avoiding the question.

You crossed your arms and looked him right in the eyes. "Newt. The scars. Now."

"They're scars, as you noticed. From... beasts and creatures. Disgusting, aren't they?" He said, hanging his head in shame.

Your expression softened at Newt's demeanor. "No! No, they are not disgusting at all. They're... they're beautiful," you said. Newt turned his head back up with wide eyes. "Kind of like a memory, I suppose..."

"No. They're not beautiful. It's a constant reminder of how I mess up almost everything," Newt said sternly yet sadly, once again turning his glance to the floor.

You shook your head and stepped forward so that you were directly in front of him. You slipped a finger under his chin, and tilted his head up so that he was looking you right in the eyes.

"Newton Artemis Fido Scamander. You listen to me right now. You're the most, sweet, kind, and caring person I know. We all mess up. The way you work with creatures is truly phenomenal, and the Ministry thinks the same. Nobody else is like you, Newt. I need you to understand that," you whispered at a level only he could hear. Your voice became quieter. "And... and that's why... that's why I love you."

"What?" He quietly said, his face turning to shock.

"I said... I said I love you, Newt. So damn much," you spoke. You leaned forward, and pressed a sweet kiss to his lips. Newt froze. You pulled away. "I-I'm sorry, that was wrong I shouldn't hav–," you rambled, but Newt stopped you.

He pulled you in for another kiss. You threw your arms around his neck, responding immediately. The kiss was full of hunger, Newt had been waiting to do this for over a decade. His lips were so soft... He tasted you tentatively with his tongue, and you did the same. You swear you heard a low moan from the back of his throat.

Once you both had to pull away for air, he pressed his forehead to yours. "You have no idea how long I've been waiting to do that," he breathed.

You grinned up him, running your fingers through his messy mop of curls. You leaned forward and pecked his cheek. "Well... now you can call me yours."

You both smiled and leaned in for another kiss. You never did end up getting your scarf that day.

Newt Scamander OneshotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora