Chapter 12: Oh Yeah, Almost Forgot

Start from the beginning

"Shut up before I kill you!" I shout at them. They were actually getting teary eyed, wow they sure can act. "Please! Please don't kill us!" One of them begged with fake tears running down her face. Damn I already forgot their names, I wonder if those are actually eye drops, urgh focus Ranger! "Our parents will get you the money! Please, just a bit longer!" another adds. "Who's there!" One of the men shouted at us as he flashed his torch at us. Well step one's a success. The five of them huddle together as the man approached. I noticed they were exchanging hand signals. "Who am I? Who are you? Get out of here before I kill you!" I threaten him, raising my voice.

I obviously had the upper hand but I restrained myself from attacking him, if I did they'd dock my pay. He pushes me to the floor and pins me down. "Hey! I found intruders!" He yells to his colleagues. 5 men came rushing over and they picked up the kids. They led us to an abandoned room in the airport and tied us up. We heard the heavy door close and lock with a click.

"What should we do with them? Tell the boss?" A voice on the other side says. "Nah, we'll just kill them off later and maybe get that ransom the guy was waiting for. Extra cash." They laugh before leaving. Once we could no longer hear their footsteps, we sprang to action. This plan is working well, maybe too well, Ranger stop thinking and start working! I tried to loosen my hands but it was a dead knot. Everybody moved towards Iris and I followed along, curious on what they're about to do. Iris clicks the heel of her boots twice on the concrete and a blade shoots out.

Katherine turns around, her back towards Iris. Iris started to cut through the rope but she lets out a sigh after a few seconds. "Raise your hands." She tells Katherine and she does as she's told. In one swift moment Iris brings the blade down on the rope and it cuts through, Katherine's hands unharmed. Katherine untied the rope around her legs before proceeding towards me. "Don't move." She says as she takes a vial out of her pocket, green liquid lurking inside. She positions my hands before pouring the liquid on the ropes. It melts through immediately and I flinch, it was acid. It didn't burn my hands as in the last second Katherine ripped the rope. I watch as the excess acid burns the rope to nothing before dying out.

"Wait why were you holding on to something like that?" I ask as I started to untie my legs. "It was leftover from another mission, thought it might come in handy." She shrugs. Acid from a mission? What kind of missions do these kids do? I had a few more twist and turns to untie but before I can continue a blade slices through them. I look up to see all of them were already untied and free. "Thanks." I say to Iris as I got up on my feet and brushed my jeans. I heard metal clanking and look up to see those with guns had put the strap around themselves. How did they bring those in here? "This night has just gotten a lot more fun." Jennifer says as she admires the shine of the barrel. "Shh." Takahiro shushes us and we heard footsteps. Everybody positioned themselves against the side of the door.

Suddenly Katherine and Jennifer climbed the wall, positioning themselves above the door. "How are you doing that?" I exclaim in a hush whisper. They simply waved at me with their net gloved hand. What? Suddenly the lock clicks and the handle turns, I press myself into the wall. The door opens. "Wha-Hey! How did you-!" The two shocked men didn't even get to finish their sentence as Katherine and Jennifer had swung down and kicked them in the face. I couldn't help but shudder at their merciless. They had just kicked two guys in the face and I know I heard a crunch or two. "Let's go!" All of them rush out at once and went separate ways, I couldn't help but stand still, unsure who to follow.

"You're coming with me." Iris grabs me by the shirt and drags me along. "Don't need this anymore." She throws away the Gyrojet in her hand, out the broken window. "Wha-" I touch my pocket, sure enough it wasn't there anymore. "When did you?" She continues running, only giving me a glance, "When I untied you." That just confused me even more. "Everyone in position?" Iris touches the comm in her ear. "Alright, mission starts in 3, 2, 1!" When Iris counted down the entire area was suddenly brightened by lights that came from the sky. I shielded my eyes and looked up, it was a helicopter that was descending. It's headlights was shining down, lighting up almost the entire broken building. I saw glints between every pillar I ran past, as if the walls were reflecting the light.

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