"Oh you can't fool me that easily Mr Holmes. Jim told me about you. He told me how you play your little games and how you'll play mine." He tensed at her words. He did not play games with those around him. But she laughed after saying this and turned her attention to John. "Your wife is a murderer Dr Watson. Did you know that? She killed my brother."

But it was after this statement that he realised. Sherlock could not help the fear he felt. Mary was going to die no matter what he or John did to prevent it. Moriarty had made his move. This was his move and there was nothing and no one who could stop the outcome. It was then that Sherlock realised that there was nothing that he could do to prevent the death of Mary Watson. He looked sideways to John who was barely holding himself together, then to Mary whose eyes shone with determination. She was not afraid. Mary had always known that one day her past would truly catch up with her. And this time Sherlock could do nothing to stop the oncoming storm.

But he would try. For John, for Mary he would try to save her life.

And so he started to play his hand.

"Why was your brother killed Emily?" Sherlock spoke calmly and started to walk forward towards where Mary and Emily were. He needed to get her talking. She needed to be distracted. If she was talking, he could get closer. John seemed to understand so he slowly followed after him.

"Why don't you ask this bitch?" Emily struck Mary across the head with the butt of the gun. John tensed at his side but stayed still. "Tell them Mary dear, why don't you? Tell them why your organisation decided my brother was worth killing." Mary just glared at Emily but she raised the gun towards where they stood. Mary's eyes flicked to John's and Sherlock saw such pain and sorrow in her eyes.

"He was assigned to me because of his, occupation."

"Oh that man had a name and that's not all. Tell them the whole story." Mary clenched her Jaw but she kept speaking because that shaking hand was still pointed at them.

"He was the head of the biggest crime gang in London. We had finally tracked him down. He needed to be gotten rid of. He was getting in the way and prying. So I was sent to kill him. Quick in and out. Bullet to the head." Emily turned away from where they stood and faced Mary again. She let out a bark of laughter which echoed in the hideous room. It was so fitting of Moriarty to choose this place. The place that already meant death and destruction to Sherlock.

"Stop holding back Mary, there's more." But Mary kept her lips sealed and continued to glare at Emily. She struck out at her again and Mary flinched away.

"And then she killed James too." She spun back round to them and raised her arms in a show of welcoming. "Mary Watson killed my brothers without mercy and without a thought. It is time that they receive justice."

"How could she have killed James. Why would she? Mary is not even working for them anymore!" John had spoken up finally and Sherlock could see how much it was draining him having to stand here while his wife was beaten.

"It is her fault!" She spat the word at Mary's face who flinched in disgust. "James died because she killed Hayden. Tensions grew. People thought James wasn't worthy of his position so he was killed. I have lost everyone, I have no one left. And it is all because of you!"

"You don't have to do this Mary did not kill James." John tried to speak in a consoling voice but he didn't manage to hide the fear in his voice.

"But she killed Hayden and now James is dead because of her. She deserves death. And it will punish her more with the knowledge that she will die and now you will never have a family. John Watson will never have a family thanks to his wife's acts. She ruined your future John Watson." Emily walked to stand beside Mary again and looked to where John stood.

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