Chapter 8

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"Ferncloud kitted!" Rosepetal's excited mew sounded in Foxleap's ear. "Really?" He asked, standing up from his nest. He was eager to go meet his new siblings. Rosepetal nodded. "Come and see! She said she's going to give them names!" Foxleap padded outside the warrior's den. He saw Dustpelt, Birchfall, and Icecloud in the nursery. Foxleap's tail drooped. He had wanted Spiderleg to be there for his kin, but it didn't happen. When he walked into the nursery, Dustpelt murmured to Foxleap, "Isn't this exciting?" Lilykit and Seedkit were with Sorreltail in a nest. Seedkit and Lilykit were eager to go meet their new denmates, but Sorreltail pulled them back. "Careful," she meowed, "They're too small to play." Foxleap looked at his siblings with love. One was a pure white she-kit. The other was a mottled brown tom with a white belly and muzzle. "The she-kit is Milkkit," Ferncloud meowed, "And the tom, Carpkit." Foxleap felt Rosepetal touch his back with her tail. "I need to talk to you." Foxleap turned around and padded outside the nursery, but not before looking at his new siblings one last time. Rosepetal was waiting for him outside the camp. "Yes?" Foxleap asked his mate. Rosepetal cleared her throat, then said, "You know how yesterday I felt sick? Well, I went to see Jayfeather, and he examined me for a while. He asked me what I felt, and I told him I was sick and dizzy. After a while, he told me what was wrong with me." Foxleap pressed forward. He didn't think he would stand it if she had greencough. He didn't want to lose her. "What'd he say?" Foxleap asked. Rosepetal sighed, then said, "Foxleap, I'm going to have your kits!"

If Foxleap and Rosepetal were matesTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang