Old School (Bucky Imagine)

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Words: 3067
Warning(s): Some language, implied Smut
A/N: I've had this one in my drafts for the longest time, but never really got around to posting it. So, I'm dead tired and keeping myself up just to supply you all with something.


A frustrated moan left your throat as you flipped yourself on the couch. Your head was hanging down by the foot and your legs were hanging over the back. You kicked your legs a little bit to get out the remaining frustration that was still in your system. It was like nothing interesting was going on today. Everyone was either chilling in their room or out on a mission that required little effort to complete. Of those who were on the mission, Natasha was a part of them. She was the person that you could talk to about anything, but since she was gone you had no one to help you with your boredom.

A loud, dramatic groan of frustration left your throat as you flailed around on the couch. Only when you settled did you take the time to realize what you had done. It brought a small giggle out of you as you shook your head at yourself. You could handle taking out dozens of enemies and Tony when he decided to get drunk, but as soon as you were faced with boredom you were brought to your knees. How nice.

With the roll of your eyes, you moved so that you were sitting the right way. Maybe some music would help. If anything, it would put you to sleep so that you could pass a few hours. You grabbed the remote from the table near you and turned on the sound system. Thankfully Tony had installed amazing sound systems in all the rooms. That would make this listening experience that much better.

You flicked through various radio stations until one caught your ear. "-tired of those modern songs. They can get boring after too long. So tonight, we're going to take it old school. I'd suggest grabbing a partner to dance with, or, hey, dance alone, I won't judge. Here's 'I'll Never Smile Again'." The hosts voice was soothing and had you listening out of sheer curiosity.

As soon as the song started, a soft smile came to your face. He wasn't kidding when he said these songs were going back. This song sounded like it was old, but there was nothing wrong with that. It was pretty good. Not long after it had started, you found yourself humming along and thrumming your fingers against the couch. Your eyes fell closed and your head started rocking softly from side to side.

You could admit that you were slightly saddened when the song ended. The feeling of tranquility that they brought was something that you didn't get to feel often in your line of work. If only the music in these times could inflict feelings like that.

The next song that played was more upbeat and gave you the urge to dance just as the host had said you would want to. After sitting there and shimmying in your seat for a while, you thought 'to hell with it' and got up. You twirled and bounced around the room with a smile on your face, and no care in the world. That was... until you heard someone chuckle from your door.

You immediately stopped your dancing and turned to the door to see who had been watching you. Bucky was standing there with a smile on his face as he watched you. A blush formed on your cheeks when you realized he'd been watching you dance around like an idiot. "Uhh... how long have you been standing there?" You asked hesitantly, dreading the answer.

"Only for a couple of minutes." He answered with a small shrug. You dropped your head to the palm of your hand and groaned.

"So, basically the whole time. Awesome." That was embarrassing.

He seemed to realize that you were embarrassed and his smile fell slightly. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to stop and stare like some creep. I just heard the song and got curious. Last I checked, me and Steve were the only two to listen to stuff like that. I didn't mean to ruin your fun and invade your privacy." His happy expression was quickly fading, and you didn't like it one bit.

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