Part 2

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A/N: Hello, everyone. Here's the second chapter. I spent a lot of time on it, so let me know what you think!

"Neverending Fountain" by S. Carey

I know my heart better than you may think

It swells but keeps on the bank of a May creek

And we see it all

And the exit sign

We build our scrape past the moors on Cliff-Keep

Bottom Line: out of stone I will seep

We look up: Neverending Fountain

My wings are pure and forever sounding

The sky, my hub, and harken: crowning

Where basins boom and my heart is bounding

Ian stared out the window and observed the world outside of Max's small house in Huntington Woods. It was only ten o'clock, and a Sunday Night, but Max was fast asleep just a few feet away on the full size bed the two of the managed to fit in together when the time came. Ian had his phone in his hand and was absent-mindedly texting his boyfriend, Jordan, as he went over the whole situation in his head. He knew he took too long to text back, but he knew he had to be careful with the way he worded things. Ian's alibi was actually the truth: he was staying over at Max's house for the weekend, but it wasn't to film and edit a video, and he really wouldn't even need to if that was really the case.

He had a lot of experience when it came to telling lies that weren't completely lies, and it mostly had to do with he and Max's relationship and lying to Jordan about it. It wasn't like he particularly liked lying, and he didn't get a thrill out of it either, it was just that once you do something enough, you get good at it. His relationship with Jordan had been going on for almost two years, and although everything seemed fine on the surface, Ian felt the truth was slowly slipping out. Jordan asked less questions than before, which would seem like a good sign in terms of the secret, but Ian knew him well enough to know it was because he was at least somehow onto them. Even if he didn't quite know who Ian was cheating with, he knew there was something there.

Ian sighed quietly as he weighed the dilemma. He texted Jordan that he was tired and wanted to go to bed, but when he laid down, all he did was stare up at the ceiling, troubled. Max shifted and moved closer to Ian, only half awake.

"Hey. You came to bed," he said, his voice low and groggy.

"Yeah," Ian whispered, not even bothering to looking over at his lover. Within seconds, Max was sleeping again, but Ian stayed awake until around one o'clock.

In the morning, Ian folded up the few t-shirts and jeans he'd brought over for the weekend after showering and brushing his teeth. As usual, Max was still asleep, and Ian had time to make him something to eat before he made his way out. He cooked up some sausage and eggs and wrote on a yellow sticky note that he had to go. He peered into Max's bedroom at his sleeping form. He didn't want to wake him, so he quietly walked to the bed and laid a soft kiss on his forehead. He lingered for about three seconds, looking at his partner sadly before turning to leave.

Since Jordan had asked him to come over after he left Max's, Ian drove for an hour to get over there, feeling anxious and worried all the while for reasons he couldn't exactly pinpoint. He'd done the same thing before a few times before and it had gone smoothly, but that didn't change the fact that he was almost talking himself into just going home. He could say he was tired and still had to patch a few things up with the video, but in the end, he was sitting in his boyfriend's driveway with his foot on the brake.

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