Oh right, the door!

You hop out of bed in your pajamas and rush to the door, throwing it open, hurriedly. You're met with the fully dressed bodies of Leorio and Kurapika.

"There's a problem down at work!! Kanzai said we should hurry there!!" Leorio shouts in a worried manner.

Kurapika remains unfazed, "Calm down, Leorio, worrying won't help. Get dressed, quickly, (Y/N), we need to leave."

You nod, "Understood."

With that, you race back to your room and change quickly into whatever looks business-typed in the slightest, and hurry back out to meet Leorio and Kurapika.

"Let's go!" yells Leorio.

Once you enter the building, the atmosphere has totally changed. The air feels heavy as if it could crush you given the chance. The three of you walk down the hall, carefully.

"The power is out, as well it seems," Kurapika points out.

Leorio struggles to keep his cool, "And what's with this dark aura all of the sudden?"

Kurapika's chains become visible at that moment, as you ready yourself for a battle as well, "This isn't a good sign."

Just then a figure makes its way down the hall and stands in front of them. It's the tiger, Kanzai.

"Have you seen this person yet? Their aura itself knocked out the power for the whole building!!" He explains, worriedly.

"You haven't found anybody yet?" Kurapika wonders in a surprised manner.

Kanzai shakes his head at this, "But Cheadle says the aura is the strongest down here."

All of the sudden, everything begins to slow down for you. Time moves in slow motion. A projectile flies from the other side of the room, aimed right for Kurapika. You cant think of what to do, so you go with your impulse decision which is using your back as a shield for him. The projectile, which you now see is a bullet, lodges it's way below your shoulder blades. Everything in your body becomes numb as time flows smoothly once more.

"(Y/N)!!!!" Kurapika shouts with great intensity as your now numb body falls forward into his arms.

Every muscle in your body is completely numb, you very literally cannot move a muscle. "I can't move.." you mumble through clenched teeth.

"Leorio!!!" Kurapika shouts as loud as possible.

"Right!" Leorio rushes to your aid. He removes the bullet from your skin within minutes, and studies it carefully. Kanzai has rushed off to find Cheadle at this point.

"Kurapika look! There's nen coming out of the bullet!" Leorio holds the bullet near to Kurapika's face, whilst your stuck staring at his chest instead.

His expression hardens as the realization hits him,

His expression hardens as the realization hits him,

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"I see.." he starts, "I'm so sorry, (Y/N)"

"Why?" You're barely able to ask because your lips are as heavy as weights.

"This nen is filled with enough hatred to completely paralyze a bear, there's no way of knowing how it will effect a human." He holds you closer to his chest, looking down at you, "Stay with me (Y/N). Please!"

Huh? Why is he saying that? Am I going to die? I am starting to feel tired.

Cheadle makes her way down the hall with at least half of the Zodiacs behind her. "We called a nen exorcist," she speaks, now standing in front of Kurapika, "They should arrive at any time now."

Things begin to feel blurry and your eyes feel heavy suddenly. "I-I'm," your voice comes out in a barely audible whisper.

Kurapika holds you tight, scarlet eyes glowing, watching you worriedly, "(Y/N)!! Stay with me!! You have to stay awake!!"

"I'm sorry, Kura-" Your eyelids slam shut, interrupting your apology.

"I need you (Y/N)!! Don't leave me!!" was the last thing you heard before blacking out. 

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