Chapter 5: Sophie

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When we all woke up we decided to go out and find for to keep us alive.

"Where should we start? " Sophie said,  walking outside to look around. 

" I have no clue. Let's just walk until we get somewhere."

Before we left,  we were gonna have to leave with our weapons, and some water. Just in case.

*Jessica's POV*

We walked out the doors of the building, and made our way down the road,  maybe 10 miles down,  we stopped something. 

Something was a little off about this person.  We weren't In town, so we didn't think we'd see many walkers.

" what is that?" Sophie yelled.

"I. Don't know.  Don't goo near it." Derrik said,  scaredly. Grabbing her to keep her safe. 

*Sophie's POV*

I wanted to see what it was,  and even if it was a walker,  I could easily just hit it with a Bat and kill it. Simple. 

No way. I ran towards it and turns out, it was a man who was part of some group. He walked around with a machete,  and had a looking beard,  and a snake tattoo on his left upper arm. Someone I didn't want to mess with.

-Everyone's POV-

"SOPHIE NO!" Derrick yelled running to get her.

All he wanted to do was save his girlfriend.

He ran up to her and the guy,  and that man elbowed Derrik in the forehead and knocked him out. 

"Derrik! YOU OKAY?" Austin asked determined. 

He didn't say a word.  He laid there like a dead fish. 

The man threw Sophie into his big rusted olds van, and drove off.


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