Chapter 4: Seeking shelter

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* Jessica's POV* 

As we all made our way around town, all I could see are the innocent civilians that were taken over by a horrible virus. 

" How could this happen.." I said, sadly. I wished there was something I could do to save everyone from this. 

"We can't save anyone, we just need to find shelter first." Austin said, keeping me company. 

-One hour later- ( around 8:00pm)

We made it to this sky high building, not even sure what it was used for exactly before this disaster happened. The windows were all busted, and the roof was smoking. It looked as if the building was about to collapse. 

"Do you think It's even a good idea to go in?" Sophie said, hiding behind me, terrified. She didn't want to go in, but It was our only chance right now. 

" Yes we had to find somewhere Sophie." I told her, holding her hand in comfort. She was so terrified, I had to be next to her. 

We walked into the building, and papers were scattered everywhere and I even saw a few dead people, which I had Derrik and Austin take care of. 

As soon as we got the building cleaned up, we went to put wood against the door, and right when we do, 3 walkers tried to get in. I was so scared, but irritated at the same time. " Jessica, Sophie run to the top floor!" both boys screamed, trying to control the walkers. 

When we got to the top floor, we came in contact with a female...Walker. She was wearing a business attire outfit and had blood spilling from her mouth. It was gross! 

 " RUN, SOPHIE, I'LL GET THIS ONE!" I yelled, shoving Sophie into a separate room. 

I ran up to this girl, and hit her with a bat until you couldn't even tell she was once a person. " I think we're good guys!" Derrik yelled, running towards us. 

"It's getting late, let's just find a room and get some sleep."  Austin said, yawning. 

" Good idea." I said. 

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