“Meaning only when they want to.” Ryker shook his head. “They are completely useless. What is the point of having a Council of Elders to protect the Universe when they do absolutely nothing?”

“Watch it; don’t let them catch you speaking ill. They may not do much, but the Horsemen can. And don’t think they won’t hesitate to hunt you down and teach you a lesson if they feel you’re being blasphemous.”

“At least then it’ll prove that the Council is even still there. I’m beginning to think that they don’t even exist anymore. Their lack of communication over the past few centuries has been less than reassuring.”

“Yes, well I haven’t seen much of anything that is reassuring in eons,” Gabriel answered.

“I hope you aren’t letting this sour attitude of yours leak into your men. It’s quite unbecoming for the General of Heaven’s armies to have such low morale,” Ryker teased.

“My men are fine and quite ready to fight at a moments notice, so don’t get your hopes up. And you’ll see that eventually when the war does start.”

“You know as well I do that another war is the last thing that I want. I was in the first one, as were you, and it was anything but a good time,” Ryker admitted.

“Oh come on, don’t tell me you don’t miss the fond memories of war,” Gabriel said with a smirk. “The chance to let your true inner being out, to not hold back, don’t tell me that doesn’t entice you.”

“It’s not all it’s cracked up to be,” Ryker said as he looked sideways at Gabriel.

“So you’re saying you don’t want to fight again, to have another chance at being welcomed into Paradise?”

“You know there isn’t anything I’d like more. I wish for it every single day; but not at the cost of another war that will take centuries to finish, not mentioning I’m not entirely sure I’ll survive it.”

“You sell yourself short Ryker, I remember you during the first war, and you were a sight to see. Quick, vicious, cunning, the pure embodiment of power, I’m not too sure I would have been able to bring you down. I know that those skills haven’t just gone away after all these years. I saw the number you did on my Captain not too long ago when you guys ran into each other back in Rome. And besides, you wouldn’t have landed the important title and position you have now if they had,” Gabriel said taking another drag of his cigarette.

“I landed this position because everyone else was afraid of Abandon’s wrath if they were to fail to find the Sacrifice,” Ryker said seriously. “Not because I was a good fighter, simply just because I was the last one left to choose from, or that didn’t care one way or the other if I was successful or not.” 

“That may be, but they wouldn’t of made you an Archangel if you were no better than a lowly demon,” Gabriel said.

“An Archangel in Hell, it doesn’t mean much to me, and it should mean even less to someone like you,” Ryker admitted rolling his eyes.

“What are you saying? That I’m too good to worry about things that happen in Hell? That I can’t give you praise for what you’ve accomplished?”

“That’s exactly what I’m saying,” Ryker said flatly.

“Well you couldn’t be more wrong. I care about all who have been banished to Hell, because before they fell, they were my brothers; just as you were too. I’m still hoping for a way for this to all work its self out, for things to be the way they were. I’d like nothing more than to go back to the days when you and I used to be able to talk without hiding in a disgusting, dark alley. I don’t want another war anymore than you do, but it is inevitable,” Gabriel said with a sigh.

Ryker leaned his head back against the building, staring up into the black night sky. Hearing Gabriel reminisce about the past always seemed to touch something inside of him, something that had been sealed away since his fall. “To be perfectly honest I hope I never do find the sacrifice. Knowing that there will be another war is depressing enough, bringing it about sooner is almost unbearable.”

“I can understand that, but you and I both know that the war will happen one way or another. What is the difference if it happens tomorrow or eons from now? And this may sound strange but I feel like you were meant to find it. You were put in the position you are now for a reason and one way or the other it will work out.” Gabriel suddenly stood straighter, throwing his cigarette down he looked at Ryker dead on. “I need to be going, it’s better for both of us if we keep these little visits of ours infrequent and short. I know I shouldn’t say this but good luck in finding it. And please, take care of yourself Ryker, and go easy on my soldiers next time, please,” he said with a smile. 

“I’ll see what I can do,” he said giving Gabriel a lop-sided smirk before he melted into the shadows and was gone.

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