❤CHP 1

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Salaam readers. A warm welcome to the first chapter of my story.

Relish Reading....


Reading- well that is something I love doing in my free time. And today I have all the time in the world as my exams just got over. I had my last exam today, and it feels like a mountain has been lifted up from my shoulders which I had been carrying from the beginning of this year.

I breathed a sigh of relief and continued to read when I remembered my mom asking me to come home early no matter what. And when I glanced outside it was already very dark.

No matter where I am be it a public library or my best friend's home, I have to rush home before it gets dark. Moms are moms I tell you.

When I headed home, I realised that I had skipped my dinner time as well. But I can't blame the poor book, for keeping me hooked on to it. I couldn't help reading it.
I had dinner in a haste being aware of my not so happy mom all the time giving me death glares.

I rushed to my bedroom upstairs. I was super late for my bedtime. I looked at the 2 suitcases beside my cupboard and heaved a sigh of relief. I was sensible enough to pack my bags before time. Otherwise I would have to do it now.

Lately I have developed this
not-so-appreciated by mom -habit of reading late in the night hours. And that explains my struggle to wake up each morning. I am familiar and quite used to these brain v/s heart conflicts in my mind. My heart told me to read further while my brain sticking to practicality told me to shut the very thought of reading as it was high time I slept.

" Sleep now Sanah, you have a flight to catch tomorrow. Don't you want to wake up early?"I heard my mom yelling from downstairs. I might as well shrug my thought of reading and go to bed before I get into some serious trouble.

Honestly; sleep doesn't come to me so easily when I am supposed to rest, rather it comes when I am NOT supposed to sleep. Like I will feel like the sleepiest person in the world during my lectures, while in the middle of my mom's reprimandings or in a boring place like classroom. But never will I sleep in peace when I have something grand planned for the next day.

Dubai- That's where I am going tomorrow with a purpose of working on an assignment for a few days. With the tall cloud kissing skyscrapers, the desert, not to forget those mesmerizingly beautiful mosques. I was wishing for the sun to rise the next minute. I was already shopping in those huge malls in my mind's eye. This was all I could see right now even though my eyes were closed. Just the thought of going there tomorrow was maddening enough to steel away my sleep.

I began counting numbers backwards to lull myself to sleep. This trick usually works but I am afraid it might not work today knowing what the much awaited sunrise is to hold for me. Surprisingly the doubtful trick worked and I felt sleep take over me.

I woke up sitting up in my bed with my blanket covering half my body. I had woken up without much complaining - thanks to Dubai.

Within an hour I was all set to go on my dream trip. I was wearing my regular jeans and a full sleeves kurti. I also carried a scarf to cover my head. I chose this attire on purpose after being told about the skin roasting heat in summers there. Besides I din't want my fair skin to turn tan( no offense to tan skin lovers!).

I stepped out of my home only after seeking my parent's blessings. And off I go to Dubai.

Little did I know that this trip had a life changing journey for me in store.

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The fist chapter is somewhat boring I know. But stay hooked on as the next chapter is going to be interesting.

Something is going to happen in the next chapter.

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