Chapter 23: The Secrets of Greywater Watch

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Arya realized that the Neck wasn't just swamps, with most of the plant life half-submerged in the murky waters, and the white fog constantly hovering low over the surface, shrouding the walkways, making it almost impossible to see. It also had endless suckholes, quicksands and green grass that looked solid to unsuspecting eyes, but turns to water the instant you step on it, and she had nearly stepped on all three several times.

Carron Marsh led them deeper into the swamps. "You have to watch where you step, princess." He warned. "The terrain is quite deceiving here in the Neck."

"I can tell." Arya said as she nearly stepped on what probably looked like quicksand before Gendry pulled her arm, and led her away from it.

Arya also had only allowed Beric Dondarrion, Gendry and her direwolf Nymeria to go with her to Greywater Watch. The others stayed behind on the Causeway, and Beric had left Thoros in charge of the remaining men and wolves.

Captain Marsh stopped at this tree, larger than the ones she'd seen, and waved his hand on its largest roots. "Here you go, my lady," He said. "Your ride to Greywater."

Arya stared at him blankly. She glanced at Beric and Gendry if they understood what the crannogmen meant, but they looked just as clueless as she was.

"Uh, what ride?" She asked.

Carron turned to his other companion, Tobin, the man who had whispered in his ear earlier, and gestured for him to go ahead.

Tobin went ahead and hopped between two large roots protruding and half-submerged in the water. Arya feared that the crannogman might've fallen into the murky waters, but instead he landed on a small boat.

Arya realized that the one they were standing on was actually a wooden wharf. Several other boats were lined up side by side, between large tree roots, and they were made to blend with the surroundings. The boats were almost invisible unless you look closer. And each was wide enough to carry six people.

"That's impressive." Arya said.

Carron snorted. "You haven't seen Greywater yet, my lady."

Carron helped Arya get down onto the boat, then stepped back to get out of Nymeria's way. "Is that wolf really coming with you?" He asked.

"She's my direwolf," Arya said, as Nymeria went and settled beside her. "If she's not going, I'm not going either."

Carron nodded reluctantly, then gestured for Beric and Gendry to follow. He hopped in last and handed Tobin an oar and they began rowing.

It was probably late afternoon, but it was already darker than it should've been. The white fog that constantly hovered over the surface was thicker, and they can barely see the water below.

As they rowed in the swamps, they came across several crannogmen scouts armed with either bows and arrows or frog spears, who would send hand signals whether to row straight ahead or to turn.

"Don't you know the way to your lord's castle?" Arya asked. "You seem to be relying on the scouts we come across." She noticed.

Carron snorted. "Greywater Watch is unlike any castle you'll ever see, my lady." He explained. "And finding it once doesn't mean you'll ever find it again. That's why we need them to guide us."

. . .

After hours of rowing, they finally arrived. Straight ahead, loomed Greywater Watch. The floating fortress, Arya thought. She almost didn't see it, since it perfectly blended with its surroundings.

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