Chapter 5: Wargs

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In her dreams, she was once again, the night wolf. It was probably about daybreak. She was sniffing the ground and came across Gendry, packing up the makeshift mat that he had slept on.

Gendry? She thought. What is he doing? Then Gendry grabbed a piece of wood and the poke the dying fire with to extinguish it.

The night wolf approached him and Gendry nearly jumped at the sight of her.

"Seven hells, wolf!" He yelped. "You scared the living daylights out of me." He sighed and knelt, gently stroking her pelt. "I assume you're hungry, huh?" He asked. "Well, if we move now, we should reach the Inn at the Crossroads a few hours before midday. But if that's going to happen, you need to wake Arya first."

Gendry gestured to his right and surprisingly saw herself sleeping by the extinguished fire.

The Night wolf obliged. She came closer to a sleeping Arya.

. . .

Arya woke and yelped when she found a pair of yellow eyes staring down at her.

"Nymeria." She said, catching her breath as she patted the direwolf's hide.

"Well, finally." Gendry said, hooking the sleeping mat onto his horse. "Good job, Nymeria." He turned to her. "Have a nice sleep?" He asked.

Arya didn't answer. She found it strange that Gendry was talking to the Night wolf in her dreams, telling her to wake her up. The wolf approached the sleeping Arya. And sure enough, when she woke up, Nymeria's yellow eyes were staring down at her.

Every night, her dreams were almost the same. She walked, ran, sniffed the dirt, tasted blood in her mouth whenever she'd made a fresh kill, and howled. But she wasn't Arya Stark, she was the Night Wolf. She remembered had Old Nan told her and her siblings stories about people who can enter the minds of animals and control their movements. Wargs, they were called.

They said the Starks are wargs. Gendry had said. You had direwolves, so you can warg into them. When Arya first heard it, she nearly laughed and looked at him like he was mad. Now, it made sense, but she wasn't sure whether she believed it or not. She did know one thing now though, Nymeria is the Night Wolf.

"Arya?" Gendry strutted toward her. He knelt next to her and placed a hand on her shoulder. "Were you having a bad dream again?" He asked.

Arya shook her head. "I...I don't know." She admitted as stood, putting on her cloak. "And you won't believe it."

She packed up the makeshift mat and walked to her horse. "We should hurry then if we're to reach the Inn at the Crossroads before midday." She said.

Gendry gave her a confused look. "How did you—?"

"You told Nymeria to wake me so we could move, right?" She recalled as she adjusted the saddle of her horse. "And you're right, we should. The winds are getter colder."

Gendry stood and stopped her from adjusting the saddle. "You were already awake."

"I wasn't." Arya said. "I was asleep. You saw me. Then you told the direwolf to wake me." She turned to Nymeria still standing by the stamped out fire. "Nymeria, tell the pack we're leaving."

The direwolf stared at her for a moment then left for the other wolves.

Arya watched Nymeria leave. "Funny, because she usually won't listen." She said.

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