Chapter 19: The Night Wolf

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In the morning, they all gathered in the great hall for a meal. The men of the Brotherhood sat in long tables with Blackwood and Mallister soldiers.

Arya sat with their host Lord Jason Mallister and his son Patrek by the long table on a raised dais at the end of the great hall.

Tytos Blackwood and his three sons, Brynden, Hoster and Edmund sat with the Blackwood soldiers, the men of the Brotherhood, the Mallister household, soldiers and servants and ate with them by the many long tables in the great hall.

After the meal, Lord Tytos brought up the matter on how to get Edmure Tully out of the Twins.

"The bell from that Booming tower rang a warning tone," Lord Tytos pointed out. "They might have heard it."

Arya turned to Lord Jason. "Can that bell actually be heard all the way up to the Twins?" She asked.

Lord Jason nodded. "The Twins is only about twenty leagues from here." He said. "But if they did hear it, they might've sent back up. But they didn't."

"So what if they heard it?" Arya said. "It doesn't matter."

"If we're going to get your uncle out of there, we'd worry about." Lord Tytos said. "If they hadn't sent an army to Seagard, they might've already doubled their defenses."

"They don't even know that, Tytos." Lord Jason said.

"The other thing is," Lord Tytos turned to Arya. "If we're getting Lord Edmure out, what about his son and wife? Everyone knows he married that Frey girl in your brother's place."

"Yes, and that's why they slaughtered everyone." Arya remembered.

"Walder Frey always exact heavy tolls." Patrek brought up. "If remember it right, Lady Catelyn arranged two marriages with the Freys for her children."

Arya frowned. "I didn't know that." She said. "What do you mean, Lord Patrek?" She asked.

"Robb was to marry a Frey girl," Patrek recalled. " were to marry a Frey boy when you come of age."

Arya took a deep breath. Even if her mother hadn't seen her in moons, she still managed to find her a match. To a boy she doesn't even know. She tried not to think about it.

"Alright, moving on," Arya evaded the subject. "Uncle Edmure's son is heir. We need to get him out as well. Question is, how?" She asked.

"I've got a thought about that." Patrek said. He gestured one of the servants to him and gave him a piece of fabric. "If you want to find Lord Edmure's son, you'll have to find Lady Roslin first."

Beric frowned. "How do we find Lady Roslin?" He asked.

Patrek turned to Arya. "I would assume your wolves can pick up a scent, my lady?" He asked.

"Of course, they can." Arya confirmed.

Patrek handed Arya the fabric. "Give it to the wolves." He said.

"Wait," Beric interrupted. "How do we know that piece of fabric will lead us to Roslin Frey?" He asked.

"It belonged to her." Patrek answered.

"How do you even know it's hers?" Arya asked.

"Because I tore it off her gown during their bedding ceremony." Patrek explained. "And if I remember it right, I was thrown into a cell next to Edmure's. Assuming they hadn't moved him, I can lead you to him." He promised.

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