Chapter 15: Tactics

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The next day, Edric Dayne left Hollow Hill for Starfall. About eight members of the Brotherhood volunteered to go with him, including the woodharp singer Tom O'Sevens. Arya thought that was sort of her fault. If she hadn't had Nymeria scare the hairs out of him, he wouldn't be leaving. But Beric Dondarrion had assured her that it was because he had a little dispute with Edmure Tully, about some girl. And with Lysa Tully-Arryn about sending him to High road where the Vale mountain clans stole his gold.

Ned shook Gendry's hand and patted his shoulder. "You take care of her, will you?" He said, motioning his head in Arya's direction.

Arya rolled her eyes. "I'm not some helpless little girl who needs protecting." She protested. "I can take care of myself."

Gendry shrugged. "Not typical for a princess," He said. "But you heard her, Ned. She's not one to mess with."

Arya punched him in his arm. "Don't call me princess!" She complained.

"Alright, geez.," Gendry said, rubbing his arm.

"Okay, now I'm convinced." Ned said. He gave Arya a quick hug, then pulled her hand kissed it, much to her surprise. And much to Gendry's dismay. Again, she didn't understand why he disliked Edric. She's going to ask about that later.

Beric simply patted his shoulder. "Safe travels, Lord Dayne."

Ned Dayne gave one last wave and then rode off on his way back to Dorne.

. . .

Few hours before midday, after Arya led Nymeria and the Wolfpack to wander in an open clearing near Hollow Hill, she found Gendry in the forges hammering steel.

"Hey," Arya called.

Gendry was so engrossed with his work that he nearly swung his hammer at her when she spoke.

"Seven hells, Arya!" Gendry scolded. "You shouldn't sneak up on me like that. Not while I'm working."

"Sorry," She said, climbing up onto one of the boulders in the cave. "So what's your problem with Edric Dayne?" She asked.

Gendry glanced her way, then quickly went back to working. "Nothing." He managed to say.

He's lying again. Arya thought. "Nothing?" She repeated. "Come on, you don't like him. I can tell."

"Why are you asking me this?" Gendry asked, clearly more annoyed than he was after she asked the first question. "Is it a life or death question?"

"I just wanted to know why you hate him so much." Arya said. "What did he ever do?"

Gendry never answered. He just continued working and hammering harder. Obviously, he hated that subject being brought up.

Since there was tension in the air, Arya decided to change the topic. "So what are you making this time? A new weapon for yourself?" She asked, slowly nibbling an apple.

Arya then realized that they were in a similar scene a few times when they were in Harrenhal. She was cupbearer to Tywin Lannister, while Gendry was a blacksmith in the forges and Hot Pie was a cook in the kitchens. During her free time, she would go to the smithy, split the food Hot Pie had given her with Gendry, and watch him hammer steel. And she would ask him the same question.

She knew Gendry hated being interrupted while working, but she does it anyway and he had eventually gotten used to it.

"Yes," Gendry's face brightened at the question. "I figured the battleaxe grew out on me. I don't like fighting up close with it. It's too short."

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