Part 17

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William, who was taller than her, didn't suffer too much from this blow, but he still stumbled back from the surprise. She hadn't hit as hard as she would have but he still held his bleeding nose. Nothing was broken though.

"How dare you come here?!" She screamed at him, after making sure the door was closed behind her.

"I needed to talk to you!" He explained, leaning his head back and pinching his nose.

Mara wanted to tell him that it would only make the blood flow more intense but she bit her tongue. He could damn well bleed out of the porch.

"Yeah well thanks, I know that, I think we got it from your first text, and the hundred others that followed!" She snickered in conceit. "Are you this dense, Will? If we wanted to speak to you, don't you think we would have picked up our phone?!"

"That's irrelevant, there is something I need to tell you," he said, pushing her argument aside with a gesture of the hand as though it was of no importance at all.

"I'm way past caring what you have to say or what you do! Just leave us alone!" Mara screamed, feeling angry tears blur her vision but quickly blinking them back.

"You care enough to talk about me with Noora though," William pointed out, a confident smirk growing on his lips.

"Ditto brother, apparently you still feel entitled to monitor what I do even when you're too stubborn to even talk to me face to face for a week straight," Mara scoffed.

If he imagined for so much as a second that he could show up at Chris' door and crack a joke and that it would be enough to forgive and forget everything, he had to think again.

"What's the miserable excuse you've come up with to justify your behaviour, huh? I'm curious tell me," Mara laughed a bitter laugh, making herself cringe. "No actually I don't want to know, just get the fuck away from me! I can't believe you have the nerve to show yourself after what you did yesterday!"

"Mara, I-" he started but she cut him off.

"I don't give a fuck, Will! I've been trying to talk to you for days and you've ignored me, now you'll just have to suck it up and listen to me, because I am not listening to you," she articulated exaggeratedly slowly. "It was beneath you to drag Chris into a fight after what happened last week. He's still hurt. When I came home from school, I saw him curled up on the floor, bleeding – do you have the slightest idea how frightened I was? Of course you don't, because you don't give a shit anymore! About me or you best friend!"

"It's not-" he tried to talk to her yet again, but Mara's hands flew up to her hair in an irritated gesture and she had to look away from him.

She couldn't stand the way he looked at her, it was too close to the affectionate Will she was used to. He overstepped his boundaries and needed to face the consequences of his actions, Mara couldn't give in just because she was weak and wanted her brother back.

"If you want to talk to Chris, you'll have to wait for Monday to come around," she finally said when she settled down. "I'm not letting you anywhere near him until he feels better."

She saw the way his lips parted to say something, but nothing ever came out.

"You know, soon it'll be too late to mend the broken pieces of our relationships. If you don't get your shit together, it'll all go to waste," she told him in a final attempt to make him realised he was a huge dick head for the entire past week. "You have some serious apologizing to do, but today's not the right day."

With that said, Mara turned around and left a speech William standing on the porch as she went back inside, and as soon as the door was closed, she let out the worst, most pathetic whimper. With a hand covering her mouth, she began to cry, allowing herself a moment of weakness and sliding down the door until she hit the cold tiles of the floor.

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