Part 9

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"I almost miss seeing them eye-fuck at this point," Chris complained before sitting down next to Mara at the school library.

The old lady sitting at the front desk glared at him from under her glasses, and Chris gave her an apologetic smile.

"Will and Noora?" Mara asked in a hushed tone, closing her book and looking at him.

Barely anyone ever came to the library when it wasn't exam period, but they remained cautious and tried not to show there was anything more than friendship between them. Though Chris couldn't hold back from gently lifting Mara's chin with two fingers, enjoying the short contact while it lasted.

"Who else? Will just shut a door to my face to make out with Noora in an empty classroom. Not to brag or anything, but we're much better at keeping our relationship a secret than they are," he answered, whispering this time.

"That's because he doesn't try to hide it from you," Mara said matter-of-factly. "Don't you ever want to tell him? Sometimes I forget why we're hiding in the first place."

"Because you're off limits and I broke the cardinal rule of friendship by going for my best friend's little sister, and also I'm too pretty to be forever disfigured by your brother," Chris listed all the reasons why it would be a terrible idea to come clean to William.

"Just wear a helmet," Mara replied in a sarcastic tone. "We've been sneaking in and out and lying to everyone for almost four months now."

"I know..." Chris sighed in defeat.

As much as he would like to joke about it, he too was getting tired of constantly having to watch over his shoulder and lie to his friends. Especially about Mara. For the first time in his life he was dating a girl he actually wanted to be seen with, and by a sick twist of fate, he wasn't allowed to.

"Let's not think about it," Mara decided for them both. "Russ time is coming, have you received your russebukse yet?"

"Last week yeah. I'll send you a picture," he said with a wink. "I'll be wearing this and nothing else."

"It's a relief to know that you'll always be true to yourself, Chris," Mara laughed fondly before remembering they had to keep quiet. "Will you stop by tonight?"

"I have to do something with the boys first but sure," he seemed to think about how long it'll take him. "I'll always make time for you."

Mara's heart jumped in her chest but she tried not to let it show through her expression. It was the closest thing Chris had ever said to actually voicing his feelings for her. She wasn't one for openly displaying her feelings and she didn't like it when her partner did it either. Never in her wildest dreams did she think Chris was the kind of person to talk about sentiments, but whenever he said something sweet, it stirred something within her.

"I want to kiss you so bad right now," she admitted as she concealed a bitter laugh. She shouldn't have to hold back from kissing her own boyfriend.

"Why don't you?" He asked, leaning over the table and smiling seductively, one of his eyebrows raised in question.

"You know why," Mara said. "And because the old lady is staring at us, I bet she's just waiting for something like that to happen, it'll give her a reason to yell at us."

"William and Noora do it all the time, why should we behave at school if they don't?" Chris asked, making a very good point.

"Wanna get naughty with me in a dark corner?" Mara smirked leaning a little closer toward Chris.

If anyone else than the librarian were watching them, they'd see right away that these two were together. But no one was there except a girl at the far end of the room, her nose dived in her book.

Off Limits (Christoffer Schistad - Skam)Where stories live. Discover now