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A few years later...

Mara continuously tried to grab the salt from Chris' hand while he kept adding some to the vegetables but he raised the hand holding the salt jar too high for her to reach it. He laughed when he heard her use her threatening voice and call his name as she gave him the look.

"Stop adding salt!" She pestered him but it served only to make him smile wider as he watched her struggle to try and grab the salt – and fail.

"I'm the cook and I say it needs more salt," he replied, stepping closer to her only to look at her from under his nose as if he were a great chef whose authority no one could contest.

He motioned to add another sprinkle of salt when Mara literally threw herself at him and grabbed his arm to stop him.

"It'll be too salty, Chris!" She argued, miserably failing at her attempt to keep him from reaching the jar of salt.

Even with their arms entangled and Mara's constant screaming, Chris managed to do as he pleased. He was smirking in victory and momentarily lowered his guard – it was enough for Mara to ceased the opportunity and confiscate the salt once and for good.

"Ha! Ha!" She exclaimed, holding her trophy against her chest so it would be safe from Chris' light fingers.

"Get out of my kitchen you vertically challenged thief!" Chris told her, chasing her off and he grabbed a napkin and threw it over his shoulder.

He was still much more skilled in the cooking field than Mara, although she tried her best and often helped him – even if she suspected he enjoyed his role of chef and only assigned her simple tasks which never allowed her to actually improve. With a twirl and a laughter Mara left him to his task – with the salt – and Chris had to repress a somewhat annoyed but fond sigh.

She didn't go farther than the other side of the kitchen island, where William sat and rolled his eyes at his sister and his best friend's antics. He felt like he was intruding but at the same time he wanted to be included a little more.

"Stop it, you guys!" He told them. "I didn't come all the way here from London to watch you go all domestic on me," he said with a dramatic tone.

Chris ignored him – or maybe he simply didn't hear over the sound of the stove and the food cooking – and Mara merely shot him an innocent smile and took place on the seat beside his, leaning on the counter and letting her hand hang from the edge. William's eyes automatically switched to the eye catching ring on his sister's finger, like every time it caught the light, and was once again reminded of the fact that she was married to this dumbass over there.

"Why did you come then, brother?" Mara asked him, nudging him playfully. She set the salt down on the counter and chuckled, "certainly not for Chris' salty cooking."

"I heard that!" Chris shouted. "And it's not too salty, it's perfect salty."

"You're doing it again!" William cut them off before Mara could answer something silly and endearing, because he still couldn't wrap his head around the fact that his little sister was married to Penetrator Chris. He sort of got used to it, but it still blew his mind away.

"Says the one who looks at Noora like she's the sun and stars of your world!" Mara replied, poking Will's arm. "I know you think nobody notices when you gaze at her in awe, but we do."

"So what? At least I keep quiet, you two are horribly keen on PDAs, it's like Senior year all over again," he said in disgust, even letting a shiver run through his body.

"Shut up, or I'll take your beer," Mara warned him and William, although he seemed unimpressed, brought his drink slightly closer to him.

"If you do that I'll go grab the Tequila – we already have the salt," William shot back but still lifted the beer to his mouth.

Off Limits (Christoffer Schistad - Skam)Where stories live. Discover now