Chapter 5 ~ Arguments everywhere!

Start from the beginning


A furious Sans wasn't the best thing to ever exist. So you quietly spoke up, but the skeletons could still hear you. Mostlikely because they thought that your voice was the most beautiful sound on the planet.

"A-Actually... I-I'm n-not 'your' g-girl, P-Papyrus..." Papyrus seemed disappointed, Sans gave him a proud smile.

"I-I'm a-also n-not 'yours', S-Sans..." Now Sans seemed disppointed, Papyrus on the other hand wanted to laugh at Sans so badly.

"I-I don't r-really have a-a b-boyfriend... t-to be h-honest w-with y-you... I-I n-never had o-one, a-and I-I'm not planning on g-getting one a-anytime s-soon... A-At l-least not so e-early..."

They both gave a sad nod of understanding, that made you feel a bit sad, too. But you had to keep your mouth shut before you would say something stupid.

Both reached out to hold your hands in theirs, but then you blacked out.


You shot up from your comfortable lying position as you tried to recollect the events from the dream.

'More of them? What's up with this house and random videogame characters just randomly popping up like that?'

As you walked out of your room, you noticed something odd...

'It's quiet... too quiet...' you thought cautiously as you approached the staircase.

You grabbed a hidden baseball bat behind a fake wall and held it ready to hit everything dangerous.

Then you slowly made your way over to the living room. No one there. You spotted one of your clocks and took a glance at the time...

"4:26 am?!" You whisper-yelled to yourself, making sure to keep quiet. 'No wonder no one's already watching TV!'

Sighing in relief, you gladly walked back to your room, putting your baseball bat back into the fake wall.

On your way back you heard muffled voices behind one of the room doors. It was the room door of Ink and Error.

You don't like to listen to the conversation of others, you thought it was disrespectful, so you kept on walking down the hallway. However, you came to a halt when Ink said your name, that made you curious. Then you sneakily listened to their conversation...

"... We should at least thank her for giving us a place to stay." Ink sounded slightly mad at Error.

"It'S nOt LiKe wE CoUlD lEaVe AnYwAyS. I bEt EvErYoNe wOuLd SlEeP eLsEwHeRe If tHeY HaD tHe ChAnCe tO Do sO. i MeAn, i KnOw wHaT It fEeLs LiKe tO Be tRaPpEd. It'S oBvIoUs ThAt tHeY HaTe iT To bE StUcK in hErE WiTh a HuMaN wHo CaN't eVeN RePlAcE fRiSk Or cHaRa. We'Ll bE StUcK iN HeRe fOrEvEr If wE dOn'T FiNd a WaY oUt SoOn." Error felt sad for saying this, but it was true.

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