Epilogue ☠

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Can't believe it's happening...

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Several years later

S C A R L E T T 💣

The summer sun beat upon my back relentlessly as I trudged up the small grassy hill that led to my father's gravestone. Rows of tombstones stood erect in silence to the left and right, in front and behind me. It was an odd time to go visit the graveyard, but I felt a sudden urge to do so today. It had been a short while since I've visited anyways.

Today was the day I discovered that my father was murdered about 10 or so years ago. It was also the day I met Harry for the first time, somewhat like our anniversary since we didn't remember exactly when did we officially became a couple. Harry promised to take me out tonight for dinner, making Liam and Louis watch the kids while we were gone. But right now, Harry was busy at the gym, training some new boxer who wanted to compete in future competitions. I too had a little work to do at the research company I used to intern at. They paid me pretty well for my research on proton radiography and X-ray crystallography. I guess you could say Harry and I have normal jobs now, as opposed to what we used to do for a living years ago.

I finally approached my father's grave, smiling down sadly at it as I held a bouquet of white tulips in my hands. Lowering myself to my knees to placed the bouquet of flowers in front of the tombstone, before straightening my back again and flicking my gaze to the right. Right next to my father's tombstone was mine, the one The Organization put up for when I 'died'. It brought a small smile of amusement to my lips, before it disappeared when I remembered how much Harry suffered thinking I was dead when really, I wasn't. I remembered something Dexter told me when he was telling me about what happened while I was gone.

"Harry suffered a lot, but I feel like that was karma in a way. Y'know? For treating you like shit, and making you suffer."

I shook my head, freeing it from my thoughts as I focused on my father's grave again. A few memories of us together played right before my eyes, making me tear up a bit as I wished he was still alive. I missed him so terribly, and it hurt me that my children would never get to meet their grandfather. They won't ever get to meet any of their grandparents. My father was murdered, I killed my mother, Harry killed his father, and his mother died a few years ago from a car accident in England. Although, the only grandparents our kids would've been allowed to meet are my father and Harry's mother.

"I miss you, Dad," I murmured lowly, my voice breaking a bit. "I wish you were here with us. I wish you were the one to train me from the beginning. I wish you were there with me to walk me down the aisle. I wish you were here to train Amara in boxing, and Mabel in computer programing. I wish you were here to be there for Alek, because he really needs someone like you by his side because his ADHD makes him feel abnormal and it kills me to know that he feels like that," I whispered with a lone tear rolling down my cheek.

It was an absolute blessing to have Mabel and Amara turn out as prodigies in computer science and sports. It was quite unexpected to be honest. Mabel had already figured out how to program computers at the age of 5, whereas Amara could do the most impressive handsprings and splits as well as throw 100 punches in a minute. Alek however, struggled to keep up with his sisters. He was already diagnosed with ADHD and struggled immensely in school, but he too was talented just like them. He wasn't necessarily a prodigy, but the boy loved Art. He loved to draw and paint and sculpt because those were the only things he could find himself concentrating for long periods of time with a lot of patience.

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