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Another birthday update woop, still my bday here so I thought why not update R&H !!!

Pls don't worry too much about the time skips, it's just necessary in my opinion in order to lead it all up to the epilogue!

Happy Reading xx



S C A R L E T T 💣

One and a half months later

  Tears pricked my eyes as I threw up into the toilet bowl; the acidic stench burned my nostrils. After I was done, I shakily stood up to my feet, watery eyes glancing over the mess I made as my stomach dry-heaved again. I immediately flushed the toilet and trudged over to the sink to rinse my mouth and wash my face. I felt like crying again because of how much I hated what was happening to me. It was like a constant flu, and I knew that there was no reason as to why I would have 'stomach flu'. But I wasn't going to lie when the thought of being pregnant crossed my mind every time I threw up.

  It had been going on for a week now and surprisingly every time it happened, Harry wasn't around. He was always either working out or training other assassins. The only thing he did notice was that I seemed to look exhausted lately, and even then he just assumed that I was simply overworking, when really I've tried staying home as much as possible. I knew I was being stupid by not telling him about the 'stomach flu' or even not taking a pregnancy test. But in all honesty I was slightly scared.

  My thoughts were quickly interrupted by the sound of the doorbell ringing. A sense of panic washed over me, before I sucked in a deep breath and told myself to get my shit together, knowing it wasn't Harry as he went out with Damien to pick up some supplies for the labs. I checked my appearance one last time, trying to think up of some excuse as to why I looked like a zombie while I trudged to the door.

   "Louis," I tried to smile brightly as I answered the door, instead it came out forced and weak as Louis frowned at my greeting.

   "You look like shit," he commented with an arch of his brow, making my expression fall and my lower lip quiver. "Oh god are you going to start crying? I swear I meant it as a joke! You know you're beautiful Lettie-"

   "It's not that!" I cried, feeling the tears escape. "I-I feel sick and tired and I-I-I can't stop throwing up-"

   "Oh shit," Louis whispered all of a sudden, his eyes blown wide. "Throwing up?"

   "Uhuh," I nodded as he moved closer and gently grasped my arms, rubbing up and down.

   "Did you take a pregnancy test?" he asked me gently, his gaze softening as I began panicking again when I heard his words. "Shhh, it's okay love, we have to check."

    "No, I didn't take one," I whispered, swallowing thickly as trying to avoid tearing up at the thought of pregnancy. I can't be a mother, I'm not ready for that!

   "Okay, how about you wait here and I'll quickly head over to Sullivan and get you some pregnancy tests? I'll only take like five minutes, I'll sprint," Louis promised, touching my cheek as I nodded slightly biting my lip.

  He guided me over to the couch where he sat me down, turning the TV on and began flicking through the channels to find something I liked. Once he saw that Masterchef Australia was on, he left me. I sat there and began contemplating on many different things such as what would happen if I really were pregnant. I supposed the first thing Harry would suggest is that we move out, because despite there not being any threats to The Organization for now, there is still the chance something or someone would come up.

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