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Imagine sitting next to THAT 😭😫

so this chapter is pretty light with the emotions, kinda funny kinda sad but not emotionally heart-breaking like those last few chapter 😉 Louis' background is mentioned in this. It's quite lengthy so have fun!

Happy Reading xx



L O U I S 🗿

No matter how much I smiled and laughed and joked around, making other people laugh; there was always this ache that came and went, always returning in quiet moments. To many people, I seemed carefree, happy, never taking life or anything too seriously. But really, parts of it was just pretend; deep down inside I was really in pain. Pain because I missed my family oh so much. To be honest, sometimes I really did feel happiness, only when I was with Dexter or Scarlett. They were my true friends, and they themselves felt like family. I also felt like there had to be someone who was cheerful and lighthearted, despite the harsh conditions we lived in. So one day I simply decided to be that person.

But really, to those people who assume I've never felt pain before, they should really think again.

A small smile dipped into my lips as I pulled out the dusty box full of memories from underneath my bed. My nose scrunched up as my face held a grimace, mentally scolding myself to stop forgetting to clean this box every now and then. My fingers grasped the top, removing the cover as I felt my body flood with a mixture of emotions as my eyes gazed over the stack of photographs and other small items in the box.

I started picking and opening up things, reliving bittersweet memories of my life before The Organization. My hands rummaged through the box, feeling up a piece of cold metal before my fingers pulled it out of the box. My breath hitched in my throat at the sight of it, tears welling up in my eyes as I held it in my hands carefully. It was a locket. My mother's locket. It held two pictures, one of my stepfather, and one of my siblings and I.

My thumb touched the golden frame around the tiny pictures, a lone tear rolling down my cheeks as my mind was bombarded with memories of my family. Before I came to The Organization, I was studying in UC Berkeley. I was planning on becoming a criminal lawyer, at the time seemingly wanting to follow in my stepfather's footsteps. He was one of the best criminal lawyers in town, ruthless determined and always triumphant with his cases.

We were a pretty wealthy family, so when my father wanted to help people who needed a lawyer but couldn't afford one, he could afford to help. He always tried to defend the innocent, and for that he couldn't help but also gain enemies. That was where our lives went to shit. One day he won a case where this Cuban drug lord was sent to jail. His people still however roamed around, plotting to take revenge on my dad. But my father was completely clueless to all of it.

One day he wanted to take me out for a movie, sort of a guys night out. We left the girls home and went out, arriving home late night to find them all bounded with tight ropes and shackles with terrified tear-streamed faces quietly begging us to help them. They held us back, while the other men slaughtered my mother and sisters. Thinking about that horrendous night brought tears to my eyes once again as I shook my head from the dark thoughts and resumed looking through the box. However, my mind continued to travel down memory lane once again.

My stepfather was devastated, so was I. I was traumatized, but my father's grieving soon turned into rage. He held a grudge against the Cuban drug lord and his men, even though the drug lord was already in prison. One way or another, my stepfather wanted to get revenge and for that he started to negotiate with other big drug lords, trying to get people to go against the Cuban drug lord and attack them. I thought this was a majorly bad idea and I tried to stop him but he wouldn't listen.

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