Chapter 14

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2 weeks later, Shannon woke up to hear her laptop making noises so she crawled to the bottom of her bed to see Lilly was calling her on Skype Shannon answered it but instead of seeing Lilly Shannon saw Sid. Shannon asked Sid where's Lilly and Sid said she's in the sofa area fighting with Chris and Joey because she's started taking pills and now she won't stop taking them.

Shannon started shouting how the fuck is she now addicted to pills I have only been gone 2 weeks Sid said I know Shannon so do you want to talk to her yourself I will bring you in to the sofa area and give her the laptop. When Sid brought the laptop in to the sofa area Joey shouted you are never seeing Ally or Shannon when your like that you whore Lilly's eyes watered then she said you can't stop me seeing Shannon or my godchild so fuck you Joey.

Chris put his hands on to Lilly's face and said we can get you help Lilly screamed "I DON'T NEED YOUR FUCKING HELP I'M FINE" Chris said how's taking any pills you can get fine you need help Lilly. Sid said Lilly Shannon's on Skype and wants to talk to talk to you right now, before taking the laptop of Sid Lilly walked towards Joey and kneed him in the balls and whispered "I know what your doing be hide Shannon's back I will tell her and know who's the whore" Lilly took the laptop out of Sid's hands then went into her room with it.

Lilly said Shannon are you there and heard fuck you stupid fucking door then Shannon came back on screen and said hi and I walked in to the door. Lilly said oh okay and why did you want to talk to me Shannon said cause Sid called me and said you were taking pills and I'm scared if you overdose again Lilly said I won't overdose again and don't care if I do I hate life right now. Shannon said you take anymore pills or any drugs I will kill you myself then both of them laughed.

Shannon said how about you leave the tour and come live with me till your better and I'm going to help you through this depression for the rest of your life and smiled. Lilly said aw your such a good friend more like a sister and yeah I will leave the tour tonight and be back in Iowa tomorrow morning Shannon said yeah that's good I will pick you up at the airport if you want Lilly said yes that sounds like a plan.

Sid walked in to the room and said I will miss you but you need to get better but when tours over you can move in with me Lilly stud up and kissed Sid. Shannon interrupted Sid and Lilly's moment and said well I'm going to go now before you too start having sex on camera so bye and text me when you land and will drive and meet you Lilly and Sid laughed and Lilly said will do bye.

Shannon closed her laptop down then climbed out of her bed and walked in to her wardrobe She put her denim shorts, a white shirt and converse on then went down stairs grabbed her car keys and drove to Starbucks and got a caramel Frappuccino then drove to the hospital to see Ally.

Shannon walked in to the intensive care unit to see one of the midwifes cleaning Ally with a sponge and some warm water. Shannon asked the midwife how Ally is doing the midwife said she is developing well you are now able to hold her for the first time Shannon said can I hold her now then sat down in the chair while the midwife picked little Ally out of her incubator and gentle put her in Shannon's arms.

Shannon smiled and kissed Ally on the head, the midwife asked her if she wanted a picture taking to show Joey Shannon said oh yeah can you so she gave the midwife her iPhone to take the picture. The midwife said there you go all done and I'm going to give you time to bond with Ally Shannon okay thanks.

Shannon started talking to Ally about Craig and Lilly helping her when she was in labour She said the labour was so sore but happy to have you in my arms now and said then Ally yawned and Shannon laughed and said was I boring you. Then the midwife came back in to the room and said the doctor's think Ally could go home next Thursday Shannon said wow that the best news ever now I will have to get her room done by then.

The midwife said you look tired maybe you should go home and rest before next Thursday Shannon said yeah I think I should then kissed Ally on the head and gave her back to the midwife and said bye will see you tomorrow Ally then said thanks and bye to the midwife.

Shannon left the hospital and got in to her and called Joey but got no answer so then she called Craig and he answered and said hello ginger Shannon said hey sexy and laughed then she asked where's Joey he's not answering his phone and Craig said he's not on the tour bus so what's the news Shannon said oh okay and Ally's allowed home Craig said that's amazing and have to go practise chat you soon Shannon said okay bye sexy Shannon drove home and made herself food then went up to bed and fell a sleep.

The next morning, Shannon woke up at 6am and saw a text from Lilly saying she lands at 7am, so Shannon climb out off bed and put on Joey's slipknot hoodie with her pyjama bottom with the cookie monster on them. she went down stairs and got a bottle of water out of the fridge then grabbed her car keys and left the house and drove to the airport.

Shannon got to the airport and parked then went inside to meet Lilly, Shannon saw Lilly with her suitcase so she shouted hey Lilly over here. Lilly smiled and walked over to her and hugged her tight Shannon said I'm so happy your back I was getting  bored with out you Lilly said yeah I happy to be back and away from Joey the asshole Shannon laughed.

Lilly and Shannon got in to car and drove back to the house rapping Nicki Minaj pound the alarm, Lilly said it's wired being home again and Shannon said yeah I had to get use to that to. Then Shannon asked Lilly why she started taking pills when they got back in the house Lilly just said it kind of helps me zone out when I need to and helps with the pain I feel inside Shannon said girl I'm going to help you through this from now till we die and laughed Lilly smiled at her and said that's why I love you and your my best friend.

2 days later, Shannon saw Lilly wasn't acting herself so she decided to bring Lilly to see Ally to cheer her up, when they arrived at the hospital Shannon let Lilly hold Ally for her first time then Lilly said I'm going to go to the bathroom. When Lilly was walking to the bathroom she saw a trolley of tablets and all different things she waited for the nurses to leave it then she ran over to it and grabbed loads and stuffed them into her bag then saw the roof door and went up to the roof and started taking all the pills she took from the trolley.

Shannon gave Ally to the midwife and walked in to the bathroom and saw Lilly wasn't there then Shannon's phone started vibrating so she answered it and Sid said Lilly called me and said goodbye and she's going to jump off the hospital roof. Shannon hung up the phone on Sid and ran to the roof door and ran up the stairs then she shouted Lilly don't jump out of breath.

Lilly said you can't help me no one can Shannon slowly walked towards Lilly and said we will get you help from professionals or me and Sid can help you take your pick Lilly said "NO". Shannon asked Lilly how many pills have you had Lilly wobbled on the edge of the roof and said I think six packets Shannon screamed please walk towards me your not stable and if you jump what am I going to tell Ally when she asks me where's her godmother and my best friend is Lilly said I don't care what you say.

Shannon said I'm going to tell her the truth that you were stupid and got addicted to pills and then Lilly looked down and Shannon pulled her away from the edge and said don't be a stupid bitch doing that then Shannon hugged Lilly tight. Lilly drop to her knees in tears and Shannon dropped to then put her arm around Lilly and said were going to get though this okay Lilly said yeah then both of them cried together for awhile then they hugged as well. 

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