Chapter 17

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  Errol wakes up to find Will, Halt, Pauline, Horace, Evanlyn, and Alyss surrounding him. He groans and closes his eyes again. "Come on, Errol. We need some answers." "What for?" "To find your attacker of course. Can you handle that? Or did you want to wait?" "I'm fine, Will. My attacker was Timothy Devon. And some other kids." Halt nods. "Knew it. That boy is trouble. We should take care of him before he hurts anyone else. What happened out there?" Errol sighs. "I was finishing a candied apple, and was wondering what to do next. But then Timothy arrived with his gang. He taunted me, and he insulted you, Halt, and the entire rangers corps. I tried to ignore him after rebuking him, but then they attacked me! They hit me down, and picked me back up and started shoving me around. Timothy sidestepped when I was shoved to him. I quickly landed a solid punch to his abdomen and hit him in the face. He commanded his gang to attack me and Midnight saved me. Timothy tried to kill him, so I jumped in front of him when Timothy threw some sticks and stones at him. I got knocked down. Next thing I remember, I was being carried by Will. How did you find me?" "Midnight came to us and led us to you." Errol touches his bump and winces. "Timothy certainly gave me quite a whopper." Errol pales as he realizes what he just said. "A what now?" Asks Will. "Oh, nothing. Forget I ever said that." Halt files that away for later. "Right. How are his wounds, now, Doctor?" The doctor unbandages the linen wrapped around his arm. The doctor takes a step backwards and gasps. Errol bolts straight up, wincing as he moved his aching head. "What?! What is it, Doctor?" Everyone's eyes go right to his arm. All of them stare at his arm. It was scabbed over, but skin was already forming over it. "Tell me," asks the doctor, "does this hurt?" He taps the end of the cut. Errol shakes his head. "Nope." "How about this?" He pushes at the end. Still, Errol doesn't feel pain. The doctor moves to the middle of the cut. "This?" He pushes on it. It hurts slightly, but not as bad as when he first got it. "Nah, not really." He stares intently at Errol as if trying to figure him out. "All your bruises are very little in colour. You heal quite quickly. A little too quickly." He continues to stare. Finding his stare uncomfortable, Errol seeks to change the subject. "When can I leave? Midnight should probably be reassured that I'm ok." Will peeks out the window, but the courtyard is prescured from his view. Even from there, they can hear Midnight screaming. "But can you walk?" Errol struggles out of bed. With wobbly legs, he stands up. When he's done that he rubs his head trying to relieve the dizziness. "Yes, I can." He pushes on outside and makes his way to the courtyard. Midnight immediately bolts to Errol and thrusts his muzzle into his face. "Good boy. Let's go home, shall we?" Midnight nods. Errol procedes to mount him. "Just what do you think you're doing?" Will is standing there with his hands on his hips. "I'm going back to the cabin of course." Will opens his mouth to protest, but the physician intercedes. "Actually, that wouldn't be such a bad idea. A homely place should help in his recovery. And at the rate he's healing, he'll be better before you know it. May I have a word with you, young ranger?" Errol stops his attempt and walks to the doctor. "Yes, doctor." The doctor clears his throat. "Um, I couldn't help noticing that you seem to be keeping a certain, ahem, secret from them." Errol pales considerably. "You know?" The doctor nods. "Yes. That's kinda, not the type of secret people keep. You may want to be careful with that secret." "I will. Please don't tell anyone." "I won't. And how do you heal so quickly?" Errol shrugs. "I don't know. I just do." Errol quickly escapes on Midnight. Don't ever scare me like that again! Midnight snorts. "Don't ever do that to me again, please." Pleads Will. "Oh, shush." Errol tells both of them. See, he used manners. Errol thinks to Midnight. I don't need manners. I'm a horse. Errol sighs. Everone knows that there's no point at trying to have the last word with their horses. You got that right! He ignores him. He just wants the attention to leave.

Hmmm, wonder what the secret is? If you want to know, keep reading. Please comment/vote. Thanks.

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