Chapter 15

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   Midnight leads Will and his friends past the grounds of the festival. They see some boys towing other boys, but Will is too worried about Errol to notice it. Midnight stops for a minute to sniff the ground. He continues to bolt in that direction and stops a few minutes later. Will halts Tug and scans the area. He can't see Errol anywhere. Midnight is snuffling around a spot on the ground. Will and the others dismount. Will proceeds ahead. He turns in midstride to ask the others something, when his foot catches on something and he falls to the ground. "Will! You alright, buddy?" Horace gives Will a hand up. Will rubs his backside. "Yeah." He looks at what he tripped over and his heart stops. It's a person. Dressed in a mottled cloak and dark clothes with weapons. Errol. Alyss sees before the others and gasps. "Is that Errol?" Will feels the person's body for injuries. "Yes. Looks like someone beat him up." He carefully rolls Errol onto his back, once Will is sure he doesn't have anything really serious. Evanlyn puts a hand to her mouth. "How is he?" Will puts his head to Errol's chest. "He's breathing fine. Got a giant bump on his head, though. He might have a concussion." He continues his examination. Errol's face is bruised and a bit bloody, and his arm is bleeding constantly. That immediately concerns Will. "I need to get him to a healer. Lets get him on Tug." Horace settles Errol in the saddle, and Will swings up behind him. He grabs the reins and urges Tug into a gallop. Midnight follows closely behind. His ward mates slowly follow. Near the castle, Errol stirs. "Mrhmmm. Whas happenin'?" Will clutches tightly onto him. "It's alright, Errol. We're almost there. Once we're there, they'll fix you up." Errol groans. "No. I'll be fine. There's no need for healers." "Errol! You're covered in blood and bruises, you have a massive bump on your head, and you tell me that you're fine. You need to see a healer now!" They arrive and Will jumps down from Tug and pulls Errol from the saddle. Errol whimpers in pain, as he's jerked from below. "Be careful! I'm not luggage." Will cringes. "Sorry." He looks at Tug. "Sorry for not taking care of you, Tug." Tug snorts. It's fine. Don't worry about me. Just get Errol to the healers. Will nods and rushes into the infirmary. "Help! My apprentice is injured!" Every healer within hearing radius bolts to help him. Will hands Errol over and waits in the corner out of the way. The others arrive, but stay outside. "Shouldn't we send for Halt"? Evanlyn asks. "After all, he helps with Errol." Horace shrugs. "I guess so. I'll go ask Will." He sticks his head in the door. "Hey, Will, should we send for Halt?" "Yeah. He'll want to know about to. He's in the castle with Pauline." Horace nods and withdraws. "Yeah, we need to send for Halt. Hey, young boy! Come here." A young page, no more than twelve, approaches them. He bows his head. "Yes, my lord?" "Can you go to Ranger Halt's and Lady Pauline's room, and give a message to them for me?" Horace presses a silver crown in his hand. The boy grins. "Ok, my lord. What's the message?" "Tell them that Errol is injured and in the infirmary." The boy repeats the words, then takes off. 

  Halt is enjoying a nice meal made by Master Chubb with Pauline. "Hmm. This is an excellent casserole." Mumbles Halt around a mouthful of beef casserole. Pauline kicks his shin under the table. "Halt!" She says sharply. "Mind your manners.You are in a castle! Act like it!" Halt winces and rubs his shin. "Ok." The next time, he swallows before talking. "How are Alyss's studies?" Pauline gracefully dabs the corners of her mouth with a napkin. "She's doing wonderful. She's the best courier we've ever had. Someday, she'll take over as head courier." Halt nods. "She's a great young lady. She'd make a good wife for Will." Pauline laughs. "Definitely. I hope they don't wait too long to marry. I do wish Will would hurry up and asks her." "Humph. He'd better. They're not getting any younger." Pauline leans forward. "So how is Errol going?" Halt shifts in his chair. "Well, he-" A knock on the door interrupts Halt. Sighing, he pushes the chair back and walks to the door. He opens the door a crack and peeks out. Standing just outside the door is a young boy. "Yes?" The boy bows his head. "A message for you from Sir Horace, my lord." He stops and waits. Halt makes an impatient gesture. "Go on. What's the message?" The boy takes a deep breath. "Sir Horace said to tell you that Errol is injured and on the infirmary." Halts eyebrows scrunch together. "Anything else?" "No, my lord." Halt dismisses him. "Thank you." The boy grins and runs off. Halt ducks back inside and dons his cloak. "Dear? Who was that?" Pauline asks. Halt snatches up his weapons. "That was a page with a message from Horace. Errol is in the infirmary. I must go see what happened." Halt kisses Pauline. "I'll return. For a young boy, he attracts trouble." "I'll come with you. I have the day off, so I'll go meet Errol now." Halt nods and they leave. They arrive a few minutes later to find Horace, George, Alyss, and Evanlyn waiting outside. "Evanlyn, what are you doing here? Shouldn't you be at Castle Araluen?" Evanlyn shakes her head. "No. I came with Horace to tell the others the news." "Good. You need to be a good example to them. So how's Errol?" Alyss steps forward. "We don't know, yet. We've only been here for ten minutes." "What happened?" "We don't know that yet, either. Midnight came galloping through the town alone. We followed him, and found Errol unconscious. He had a big lump on his head, a bleeding arm, and bruises all over. Looked like someone beat him up. Who do you think done it?" Halt throws his hands in the air. "I don't know! Just about anyone. Trouble is attracted to that boy like a moth is to light!" Will opens the door. "Come on in. Errol's fine." They enter.

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