The Father and his Cat

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Chat Noir POV

I landed on my roof, ready to swing into my room when I heard a yell. Peaking in the window, I saw my father and Natalie arguing.

"Sir, he has to be around here somewhere." Natalie said desperately.

"Search the house, then if he isn't found get the police on the line."

Natalie nodded and marched out quickly. My dad started to follow, so I crept into the room through the window. I crouched on the windowsill as he touched the door hesitantly. Ice filled my stomach as he turned back to the window. He stared at the spot where I had been. Nothing but a window. He shook his head and left the room.

I breathed out deeply from the ceiling.

I dropped silently to the floor and detransformed. Plagg came somersaulting out of my ring.

"Someone's cutting it close." He yawned.

I sighed and snuck out of my room. Creeping down the hall, I stopped, hearing  footsteps. I dove into a nearby room and to my luck it was the library. I threw a book on a chair and jumped into the sofa, pretending to be deep in a story.

"Adrien!" Natalie cried coming into the room, "there you are! Your father has been looking for you! Come quick before he gets too angry."

Sure, HE was looking for me, and by that you mean you. The inner Chat in my rolled his eyes.

She escorted me to my fathers study, where he was waiting for me in front of my mother's portrait.

"Leave us Natalie." He commanded.

When she left all you could hear was the gentle breathing of Plagg in my jacket.

My father turned his stone cold gaze on me.

"Where were you."

His question sounded more like a command, like I was used to.

"In the library father, I didn't know you were looking for me." I said as calmly as I could.

He stood up leaning on his desk.

"I looked in the library. Where were you."


"I was in the library father, you must have just have skipped over me. You do that a lot."

My father narrowed his eyes and I realized what I had just said. Oh, I've been around Plagg too much.

"Adrian I will not tolerate these outbursts, they embarrass me that you would do that. You know the rules and expectations."

"They embarrass you?" I was getting angry now, nearly a year of rejection and troubles were getting to me.

"That's all? Don't you ever care about how I feel?!"

He frowned, "I am busy, I have no time for your complaints."

"Busy?!? That's all you care about isn't it!?! Your stupid company!! I'm starting to think mom was right to disappear!" I yelled.

My father furrowed his eyebrows and anger overtaking him, he hit me.

My eyes widened as I held my stinging face.

My father looked taken aback.

"I understand. From now on I'll follow your rules. I won't disrespect the expectations. I'll be your perfect son."

"Adrien, I...I..."

I stormed out of the room, but didn't slam the door. Like a perfect son would do.

Gabriel POV

I watched the door close and I sat down in my chair, I turned and faced the portrait. Her eyes seemed so disappointed, and I buried my head in my arms. If only I had her...

Miraculous Love ; Book 1 ; Split In FourNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ