"Don't you think he's a little young to start manipulating?" Zane huffed.

"Oh, Zane, don't be naive. You were just about his age when you met Lavender for the first time, and look how well that turned out." Zane leaned back in his chair, studying the Queen of Greenwing as he reeled from the idea that she'd had anything to do with his feelings for Lavender. She'd only been in the same room with Lavender and him on two other occasions, one of which was after Zane had already committed himself to Lavender.

"I was thinking of sending for Ryder so he could meet the queen," his father announced proudly, then turned to Zane. "Lavender could accompany him. That way, she could be here to look after Celia and keep Zane focused on finalizing their Desma ceremony. I'm sure she's going mad not having him around."

"That is a fabulous idea," Greenwing gushed.

"The queen has already played us all for fools and unveiled a threat to her line within her first hour in this realm. Do you honestly think she will be easily manipulated by you parading your children before her?" Maximus Redblood scoffed.

Lilly shot Zane a 'here we go again' look as she rolled her eyes. Zane gave her a half-smile in return. When the royals finally disbursed, Zane caught a moment alone with his father.

"What do you have against the Bluescales?"

"I don't have anything against them. I'm concerned about your infatuation with the queen."

"I'm not infatuated with the queen," Zane spat. The thought of anyone thinking he was disloyal to Lavender was appalling. "I just want to make sure she's safe and well before I return home. She saved my life."

"You saved her life in return. I'd say you are even."

"Dean trusts me. If he didn't feel he could come to me, then she would be dying in some hidden hole instead of receiving treatment." Zane's voice rose. He couldn't believe he had to defend his actions. "So if me showing those two some concern, and acting as a friend will save them and the realm, then I see no reason for your fears."

"Then you won't mind that I already sent for Ryder and Lavender to keep you company while you help the Bluescales settle in."

"The queen could use some more friends her age." Zane forced his voice to be indifferent. "Though if you think the queen is going to fall in love with Ryder, I wouldn't hold my breath."

"Ryder can be quite charming."

"The queen is strong-willed. Ryder will have met his match with her." Zane knew that Paige would actually prove to be more than his match. Zane almost couldn't wait to see how she would react when she found out the purpose for the newcomer's visit.

"Zane, don't ruin this for our family. She would be an ideal match." Titus's eyes slid over the gold heaped up in the vault.

"Yes, I'm sure she would," Zane said sarcastically. "However, she may not be so easily persuaded." Zane thought about her penetrating gaze that seemed to dig away at his soul, and which saw more than she'd ever let anyone know. Her deep eyes looked like they held secrets beyond the wealth of her age.

"By all that burns, Zane, don't interfere with my plans."

Zane turned on his heels. Walking out of the chamber, he didn't stop until he was back in his guest room. He turned over a chair, then an end table in his rage. There were times he felt there was nothing he could do to please his father. If he hadn't reached out to the Bluescales, then his father would have criticized him for that as well. The day his mother died, he'd lost his father too. Zane always wondered if his father blamed him for his mother's death. He knew it wasn't logical, but the fact remained that his mother's death had destroyed the man Titus had once been.

He should be happy to hear that Lavender was coming to see him. As lovely as she was, and as much as he loved her, he didn't want to see her right now. What would she think of him when she found out he'd tried to kill the Queen of Bluescale? A deep shame was still raging in his heart, and he didn't want Lavender to ever look at him with anything less than the adoration he saw in her eyes. But once they joined hearts she would know. There would be no more secrets between them.

He wanted to fly, to feel the wind glide over his scales, and the press of his wings as they beat against the invisible force that kept him in the sky, sending him soaring. However, he couldn't just fly when he wished. There were too many dangers for a royal to fly alone, even a Blackskin.

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