LOVE BITES Chapter 21 : Unselfish Actions

Start from the beginning

"For at least one more night, Nikki," I said, far more calmly this time, "you can rest without disturbance. You can rest in ignorance without blame."

"I'm not tired, Alastair," she said with a shake of her head. So persistent. "All I've been doing lately is sleeping. I'm tired of sleeping."

I looked over my shoulder. "Yes and have you realised how you still feel exhausted despite all this sleep you have attained?"

Her mouth opened with a remark but she quickly closed it. "I guess a little..."

"The transition from human to vampire requires a great deal of energy. You will be tired more often than not, more so than the average human. You need your rest, Nikki."

I stretched my arm out and swiped the small vile Chàntelle had conjured up earlier from its place on her bedside table. It was a reddish mixture and resembled the liquid my own body required every week or so. Having quietened that part of myself, my throbbing fangs relented and retracted back into my gums. Slowly, I turned back to face her, the vile held out between us as I looked down upon her smaller form through the strands of my dark hair.

"I understand you wouldn't take it from Chàntelle but, is there enough trust between us that you'd accept it from me, Nikki?"

She stared at me, blinking furiously in surprise. Then her expression flattened, like I had just spat the most ludicrous thing on the planet. Scoffing, she reached forward and took the vile from my hands with quite the audacity from before.

"Of course I trust you, Alastair," she said, rolling her eyes. "I've never not trusted you." Her words quietened at the end, turning into an incoherent mumble.

The corner of my lips lifted into a smile and I wiped a hand over my jaw. Nikki examined the contents of the vile, tipping the glass up and down with a dubious frown. It was adorable really how she sat with her legs folded beneath her on the bed and arms between her legs. It was an innocent position on her behalf, one she probably didn't think twice about.

"What exactly does it do?" she asked.

I moved to sit on the edge of her bedside table. "Chàntelle said it would help ease you through your transition into vampire. It'll stop your memories from returning-"

"I already said you're not taking away my memories again," she said quickly, her eyes hard. "I meant it, Alastair."

"That isn't what I meant," I reassured. "As much as I'd have liked your memories to be erased-" not indefinitely "- not even Chàntelle could conjure anything. This potion will only serve to stop your memories from returning all at once. I believe it's too much for your mind and body to handle, as it would be for anyone. Hopefully, this'll also stop those fainting spells you've been having recently."

"Is that all?"

"Is that all? It still holds a powerful kick considering nothing else even remotely controlled the Imperial side of you. Chàntelle also advised that you have only a droplet at a time."

She raised her brows. "One droplet per dose? That's very specific." She pooped the cap. "It better not be blood," she grumbled. "It looks like blood and just so you know, I refuse to drink blood." She titled her head back and carefully measured one droplet of the reddish mixture onto her tongue. We sat in silence as she swallowed and waited for any reaction. "Well it doesn't taste bad," she concluded. "That's a positive."

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