He took care of me at my lowest of lows and he still somehow loved me. "Thank you," I whispered. I knew those two words would never be as meaningful as I wanted them to be.

"Not a problem kiddo," he smiled and tucked my hair behind my ear. This caused me to blush which made him laugh. I looked back up at him biting down on my bottom lip.

His hand found its way to the back of my head and tangled in my hair loosely. My eyes closed as I exhaled through my nose, this was the most peaceful feeling I had ever encountered. His naked chest was so warm and inviting, and his arms were so strong and secure. He inched his way closer to me very slowly giving me ample opportunity to ask him to stop, but I didn't want to. My eyes flickered open and he was just centimeters from my face. My eyes quickly shut again as his lips softly brushed against mine in the most delicate kiss I've ever received.

Maybe it was the hormones but I was hungry for more. I kissed back adding a little bit of fire to the mix, to which he responded eagerly.

My knee slipped up onto his groin and I gripped his shoulder. I pulled myself up on top of him doing my best not to break the kiss. His hands slipped down my sides and rested near the small of my back. Everything felt right about this it was passionate, gentle, but there was a huge spark.

It didn't feel forced, and I wasn't waiting for it to be over with. I always felt that way with Jake. Like I was just supposed to lay back and let him have at it until he was done.

This was a polar opposite feeling.

I held my weight up with my core as best I could and tried to let my hands wander down his torso. But it didn't work out as best as I had hoped. Our faces just kind of smashed together a little and I realized it was hopeless. I spread my legs more so that I wasn't up on my knees as much, and laced my fingers through his hair.

I didn't think this going any farther than just making out but we both couldn't stop. I stayed on top of him while his hands explored my stomach and back lightly. Damn that boy was such a gentleman that it was just a tease.

Just as my hips began to grind lightly on his abs there was a knock at the door. I pulled away immediately as my cheeks grew warmer. "Morgan is making chocolate chip pancakes if you two are ever gonna get up!" Amy shouted from the hallway.

I looked down at Hayden and laughed a little bit. His hands were resting above my waist and his eyes were dreamier than ever. God knows I wanted to stay in this bed for the rest of my life. I wanted to relive this moment a hundred times before I died.

"We probably shouldn't keep them waiting." He smiled. "Or else they will never leave us alone,"

I laughed and gave him one last peck on the cheek. His body tenses up a little as I pulled away and climbed off of him. He sat up on the edge of the bed with his feet on the floor and curled his finger towards me. I walked back over to him and smiled. "What?" I asked as he stood up. He pulled me into a hug that was just tight enough. My body nearly collapsed as I melted into his arms, but I knew he would hold me up.

"Are you okay?" He asked holding his grip on me.

I nodded as best I could with my head being smashed against in his chest. "Better than ever actually,"

"Get some pants on and let's go have breakfast," he laughed and slowly let go of me as I regained my balance.

Hayden's shirt was more like a nightgown on me so I didn't really see the need for pants. I shrugged and started for the hallway. Hayden pulled on a t-shirt to go with his plaid pajama bottoms and followed closely behind.

The Perfect Mistake (Teen pregnancy, Under construction)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat