Chapter 20

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Chapter 20

I led Hunter inside my house, which smelled like brownies. I took him into the kitchen where I found my mom, opening the oven door to take out the dessert.

"Hi mom. Um I brought a guest, and was wondering if he can stay over for dinner?" I bit my lip and held on tighter to Hunter's hand which was so warm. He rubbed circles on my hand with his thumb.

She's gonna freak out. I know it. But I have to let her approve of Hunter. She turned around and her jaw dropped.

"Savannah!" She crossed her arms and gave me a death stare.


Hunter just stood there, staring around awkwardly.

She gave a fake smile at Hunter and said "Savannah could I speak to you for a second."

"Um sure." I said.

Hunter left the room, not waiting for my mom to say anything. She turned around and gave me a death stare.

"Savannah you remember what i told you. I didn't want you hanging around that boy and you invite him over here!" She said, trying not to yell.

You could see her face getting angrier, but I liked Hunter and I didn't want to stop dating him just because my mom thinks he's a bad person. She can't judge him.

"I really love him mom and if you just got to know him, you would love him too." I said, practically begging her.

She stared at me for a while and I could see that she was actually thinking about it.

"Trust me, he is super sweet and I know that he would never hurt me" I said. "Please mom."

"Okay, he can stay over for dinner and I'll see if he's as nice as you say he is"she said. "But don't get your hopes up."

I hugged her and said "thank you, thank you, thank you mom sooo much, I love you!" She chuckled and smiled at me.

"I love you too" she said and kissed me on the forehead. "Now let's go bring the food out to the table."

I nodded my head. I turned to find Hunter and see him sitting in the living room, his elbows on his knees.

When he saw me, he got up and walked towards me. His tall and muscular frame towering over mine. I grabbed his hands and looped his fingers through mine.

His brown hair was styled messily and his black eyes pierced my soul.

If anybody would've asked me, I would have said that his eyes are my favorite thing about him. His eyes show no emotion until you look deep into them.

Right now, he was staring at me with such love.

"She said you can stay." I looked up at him, hopefully and studying his flawless face.

All of a sudden, he grabbed my face. He me kissed me with such passion and intensity. I kissed back automatically as his hands trailed down my body into my back pockets. I wrapped my arms around his neck.

He moved forwards so he could grab my hips and gently pulled our bodies together. There was heat between us, radiating, making us glow. I was trying to make the pain he felt inside, to go away.

I heard somebody clear their throat and I pulled away from Hunter to find my mom standing in the hallway.

My face turned bright red and I pulled away from Hunter. I buried my face in his rock hard chest and he didn't seemed fazed at all. He simply chuckled and said "Come on, Savannah. Dinner's ready."

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