Chapter 2

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Finally! School was over. I walked through the school looking for Kenzie. I gave up and tried calling her. No answer. I sighed.

Guess I'll just have to walk home.

I turned to walk out the door when I crashed into someone.
Just my luck.

"So we meet again Savannah." I recognized that voice. It belonged to Hunter.

I ignored him and kept walking. But of course, he started walking right right beside me.

"You're really quiet you know." He chuckled.

"Are we gonna finish that interview thing for biology?" I asked him, ignoring his last statement.

I actually did care about my grades.

"Make stuff up." He told me. I frowned.

"Do you need a ride?" He asked me.
I shook my head. Trust me, I'd rather walk.

"Come on, I'll give you a ride." He demanded.

"No it's o-" I started but he cut me off.

"Get on." He stopped at a black motorcycle and got in the front.

"You're kidding, right."

"Come on." He said a little impatiently.

Ugh, I'm going to regret this.

I hesitated but climbed on behind him, i wrapped my arms around his waist.

What was I thinking? Too late now Savannah.

He started the motorcycle and sped off.
I held on to his waist tighter and closed my eyes.

The wind whipped at my hair and face. It felt good actually.

"Are you sure this is safe?" I asked him.

"No." I tensed.
He chuckled.


*He turned the corner and we came to stop. I was actually a little disappointed.

"Can we please finish that biology interview?" I looked up at him, titling my head because of the height difference.

I really do care about my grades.

"Meet me at the school tomorrow before class starts." He said. I sighed.

Did I have a choice?

I nodded slightly.

"Bye Savannah."

My stomach fluttered when he said my name.

He got unto his motorcycle and sped off, leaving me walking up the stairs into my house.

I walk in and go straight up to my room, wondering if Kenzie called or texted me. I flipped open my phone and sure enough, there were 10 missed calls and 32 messages.

I felt really guilty so I decided to call her. After about the second ring she picked up.

"Savannah! Why didn't you answer? I'm so sorry I left you at the school. I totally forgot." Kenzie babbled.

"It's okay Kenzie. I know you didn't mean to." I reply. I really wasn't that type of person to hold a grudge against people.

"You're the best. We need to go shopping for that pool party soon." I think Kenzie was eating chips or popcorn because I heard a crunching noise through the end of the line.

Truth be told, I really didn't want to go. I just wasn't that type of girl.

Right now, I was dying to tell Kenzie about what happened with Hunter but i know she would question me.

"I have to go Kenzie. I'll call you later okay? Bye." I hung up the phone.


A/N i hope you loved this chapter(: thanks for reading!!




Please stop saying biology is a freshman class. IT'S A STORY calm down lol

Falling for the Bad BoyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora