Sexual fantasy (girlxgirl)

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   I was sitting on my porch one day, with my laptop, reading a story on Wattpad and I heard a car drive up, I didn't recognize it. A woman got out, she looked to be about 18,  and she has long black hair with wonderful green/gray eyes that you could lose yourself in. Her skin look like she just come from the Aussie shores. She walks up to me and says "I'm looking for De Smoak, would she be here by any chance?" I wonder how she knew my profile name much less where i lived.
  I stand up and see that she is shorter than me; She looks to be about 5' 5", where i am about 5'8".  "I know of her, but what do you want with her?"

She lights up as she recognize me from my picture. "You're her, oh my god i finally found you." She says jumping up and down. I look at her strangely wonder who she is. She stops and looks at me. "I know you don't know who I am, but we have talked so much. I feel like i've known you all my life." I have a chatted with a few people on Wattpad and didn't know who this beautiful woman could be. i look at what she is wearing and groan, I'm not bi or gay but damn she is hot. She has on black jeans that cup her ass like they were cradling her, while her boots came up to her knees and which were made out of suede. She had on a tank top that showed just a hint of her belly while her jeans rode her hips. She walks up to me and pulled me in to a hug. She whispers, "I will not tell you who i am until i'm ready for you know. You can call me mistress until I tell you other wise." I feel goosebumps on my skin as she nibbles my ear and neck. I can feel myself getting wet as I feel her hand go over my ass caressing it.

I hear someone cough and turned around and seen my husband. "I see you made it." he says to her smirking. What the hell is going on?

sexual fantasy (Lesbian Story)Where stories live. Discover now