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Hi here's another chapter.


I can hear movement around me but I can't open my eyes to see who it is but I know it can only be her and I don't want to see her smirking face again! Maybe I can pretend to to be passed out still. Suddenly I hear someone shouting "is she alright? What did she do to her?" I recognize the voice, it's not Becky's it sounds like Rain's but I'm probably just dreaming. I feel my arms and hands suddenly being pulled at and then I'm being lifted and I can't do anything other than scream as the agonizing pain shoots through my body.

I wake up expecting to see Becky stood in front of me again grinning at me wildly with that knife in her hand but when I open my eyes I'm not in that room, I look around and realize that I'm on a bed in hospital. I can't understand how I got here, but they must have found me. I lay my head back and close my eyes and flashes of  Becky with that knife run in front of my eyes, I can feel all the pain and fear she inflicted on me run through my body and I start screaming, I can't stop the images it's like a movie running through my head. Someone came at some point and I felt something sharp in my arm. The next thing I know I'm waking up with someone holding my hand, I open my eyes and I can see my mum sitting in the chair by my bed with her eyes closed I'm not sure if she's asleep and I don't want to disturb her but I need to move my arm so I move slightly and mum's eye's fly open and before I know it she's up wrapping her arms around me, I wince in pain and she back's off apologizing. I tell her I'm alright and she tries to smile but it dosen't really work and in that moment I have to ask, how did you find me? and mum sit's back down saying "well it was Rain that found you, she guessed where you where" So I ask how and mum starts to tell me what happened...

When you didn't come home at your usual time or call to let me know you would be late like you usually do I started to worry, so I phoned some of your friends trying to get hold of Rains number as I knew that's where you were going because of the note. I managed to get her number and when I spoke to her she and explained what was going on she said that she hadn't spoke to you all day let alone seen you. So Rain came over and stayed with me while we tried to find out where you were and during one of our conversations I mentioned to Rain about "Becky" and how scared you where about how far she would go with her threats, when suddenly Rain grabbed her phone and called someone, I heard her saying to someone "Have you got her and what have you done to her?" She then hung up and phoned the police saying that someone was kidnapped and gave them an address. She then grabbed my hand and ran with me to the car, She then said that she spoke to Becky and she knew where you were. That's when she said she was taking me to Becky's.

Mum stopped talking for a bit and looked at me with tears in her eyes and after taking a deep breath she continued... When we got there Becky was already being dragged out in handcuffs, screaming, shouting and crying that they "couldn't take her away from Rain and that Rain needed her", I could see Rain was horrified at the state Becky was in but she didn't stop,she carried on running into the house shouting your name. We were both so distraught  when we saw you Sara, we couldn't believe what she had done to you. At that point I just couldn't take anymore, seeing you in so much pain and hearing you screaming like that as they brought you out, I passed out and when I woke up Rain was sat beside me, apparently she stayed with me till I woke up.

I will upload another chapter tomorrow or monday ok x

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